Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.6.x modules/book.module \book_toc()
  2. 4.7.x modules/book.module \book_toc()
  3. 5.x modules/book/book.module \book_toc()
  4. 7.x modules/book/book.module \book_toc()

Returns an array of book pages in table of contents order.


$bid: The ID of the book whose pages are to be listed.

$exclude: Optional array of mlid values. Any link whose mlid is in this array will be excluded (along with its children).

$depth_limit: Any link deeper than this value will be excluded (along with its children).

Return value

An array of mlid, title pairs for use as options for selecting a book page.


modules/book/book.module, line 862
Allows users to structure the pages of a site in a hierarchy or outline.


function book_toc($bid, $exclude = array(), $depth_limit) {
  $tree = menu_tree_all_data(book_menu_name($bid));
  $toc = array();
  _book_toc_recurse($tree, '', $toc, $exclude, $depth_limit);
  return $toc;