
Tests for dashboard.module.



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 * @file
 * Tests for dashboard.module.

 * Tests the Dashboard module blocks.
class DashboardBlocksTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
    public static function getInfo() {
        return array(
            'name' => 'Dashboard blocks',
            'description' => 'Test blocks as used by the dashboard.',
            'group' => 'Dashboard',
    function setUp() {
        // Create and log in an administrative user having access to the dashboard.
        $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
            'access dashboard',
            'administer blocks',
            'access administration pages',
            'administer modules',
        // Make sure that the dashboard is using the same theme as the rest of the
        // site (and in particular, the same theme used on 403 pages). This forces
        // the dashboard blocks to be the same for an administrator as for a
        // regular user, and therefore lets us test that the dashboard blocks
        // themselves are specifically removed for a user who does not have access
        // to the dashboard page.
        variable_set('theme_default', 'stark');
        variable_set('admin_theme', 'stark');
     * Tests adding a block to the dashboard and checking access to it.
    function testDashboardAccess() {
        // Add a new custom block to a dashboard region.
        $custom_block = array();
        $custom_block['info'] = $this->randomName(8);
        $custom_block['title'] = $this->randomName(8);
        $custom_block['body[value]'] = $this->randomName(32);
        $custom_block['regions[stark]'] = 'dashboard_main';
        $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/add', $custom_block, t('Save block'));
        // Ensure admin access.
        $this->assertResponse(200, 'Admin has access to the dashboard.');
        $this->assertRaw($custom_block['title'], 'Admin has access to a dashboard block.');
        // Ensure non-admin access is denied.
        $normal_user = $this->drupalCreateUser();
        $this->assertResponse(403, 'Non-admin has no access to the dashboard.');
        $this->assertNoText($custom_block['title'], 'Non-admin has no access to a dashboard block.');
     * Tests that dashboard regions are displayed or hidden properly.
    function testDashboardRegions() {
        $dashboard_regions = dashboard_region_descriptions();
        // Ensure blocks can be placed in dashboard regions.
        foreach ($dashboard_regions as $region => $description) {
            $elements = $this->xpath('//option[@value=:region]', array(
                ':region' => $region,
            $this->assertTrue(!empty($elements), format_string('%region is an available choice on the dashboard block configuration page.', array(
                '%region' => $region,
        // Ensure blocks cannot be placed in dashboard regions on the standard
        // blocks configuration page.
        foreach ($dashboard_regions as $region => $description) {
            $elements = $this->xpath('//option[@value=:region]', array(
                ':region' => $region,
            $this->assertTrue(empty($elements), format_string('%region is not an available choice on the block configuration page.', array(
                '%region' => $region,
     * Tests that the dashboard module can be re-enabled, retaining its blocks.
    function testDisableEnable() {
        // Add a new custom block to a dashboard region.
        $custom_block = array();
        $custom_block['info'] = $this->randomName(8);
        $custom_block['title'] = $this->randomName(8);
        $custom_block['body[value]'] = $this->randomName(32);
        $custom_block['regions[stark]'] = 'dashboard_main';
        $this->drupalPost('admin/structure/block/add', $custom_block, t('Save block'));
        $this->assertRaw($custom_block['title'], 'Block appears on the dashboard.');
        $edit = array();
        $edit['modules[Core][dashboard][enable]'] = FALSE;
        $this->drupalPost('admin/modules', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
        $this->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.'), 'Modules status has been updated.');
        $this->assertNoRaw('assigned to the invalid region', 'Dashboard blocks gracefully disabled.');
        $this->assertFalse(module_exists('dashboard'), 'Dashboard disabled.');
        $edit['modules[Core][dashboard][enable]'] = 'dashboard';
        $this->drupalPost('admin/modules', $edit, t('Save configuration'));
        $this->assertText(t('The configuration options have been saved.'), 'Modules status has been updated.');
        $this->assertTrue(module_exists('dashboard'), 'Dashboard enabled.');
        $this->assertRaw($custom_block['title'], 'Block still appears on the dashboard.');
     * Tests that administrative blocks are available for the dashboard.
    function testBlockAvailability() {
        // Test "Recent comments", which should be available (defined as
        // "administrative") but not enabled.
        $this->assertNoText(t('Recent comments'), '"Recent comments" not on dashboard.');
        $this->assertText(t('Recent comments'), 'Drawer of disabled blocks includes a block defined as "administrative".');
        $this->assertNoText(t('Syndicate'), 'Drawer of disabled blocks excludes a block not defined as "administrative".');
        $elements = $this->xpath('//select[@id=:id]//option[@selected="selected"]', array(
            ':id' => 'edit-blocks-comment-recent-region',
        $this->assertTrue($elements[0]['value'] == 'dashboard_inactive', 'A block defined as "administrative" defaults to dashboard_inactive.');
        // Now enable the block on the dashboard.
        $values = array();
        $values['blocks[comment_recent][region]'] = 'dashboard_main';
        $this->drupalPost('admin/dashboard/configure', $values, t('Save blocks'));
        $this->assertText(t('Recent comments'), '"Recent comments" was placed on dashboard.');
        $this->assertNoText(t('Recent comments'), 'Drawer of disabled blocks excludes enabled blocks.');



Title Deprecated Summary
DashboardBlocksTestCase Tests the Dashboard module blocks.

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