function DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::assertHtmlToText
Helper function for testing drupal_html_to_text().
$html: The source HTML string to be converted.
$text: The expected result of converting $html to text.
$message: A text message to display in the assertion message.
$allowed_tags: (optional) An array of allowed tags, or NULL to default to the full set of tags supported by drupal_html_to_text().
6 calls to DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::assertHtmlToText()
- DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::testDrupalHtmlToTextArgs in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ mail.test - Test $allowed_tags argument of drupal_html_to_text().
- DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::testDrupalHtmltoTextCollapsesWhitespace in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ mail.test - Test that whitespace is collapsed.
- DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::testDrupalHtmlToTextParagraphs in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ mail.test - Test that combinations of paragraph breaks, line breaks, linefeeds, and spaces are properly handled.
- DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::testFootnoteReferences in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ mail.test - Test that footnote references are properly generated.
- DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase::testHeaderSeparation in modules/
simpletest/ tests/ mail.test - Test that headers are properly separated from surrounding text.
simpletest/ tests/ mail.test, line 204
- DrupalHtmlToTextTestCase
- Unit tests for drupal_html_to_text().
function assertHtmlToText($html, $text, $message, $allowed_tags = NULL) {
preg_match_all('/<([a-z0-6]+)/', drupal_strtolower($html), $matches);
$tested_tags = implode(', ', array_unique($matches[1]));
$message .= ' (' . $tested_tags . ')';
$result = drupal_html_to_text($html, $allowed_tags);
$pass = $this->assertEqual($result, $text, check_plain($message));
$verbose = 'html = <pre>' . $this->stringToHtml($html) . '</pre><br />' . 'result = <pre>' . $this->stringToHtml($result) . '</pre><br />' . 'expected = <pre>' . $this->stringToHtml($text) . '</pre>';
if (!$pass) {
$this->pass("Previous test verbose info:<br />{$verbose}");
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