function ModuleTestCase::assertModuleTablesExist

Assert that all tables defined in a module's hook_schema() exist.


$module: The name of the module.

2 calls to ModuleTestCase::assertModuleTablesExist()
EnableDisableTestCase::assertSuccessfulDisableAndUninstall in modules/system/system.test
Disables and uninstalls a module and asserts that it was done correctly.
EnableDisableTestCase::testEnableDisable in modules/system/system.test
Test that all core modules can be enabled, disabled and uninstalled.


modules/system/system.test, line 45


Helper class for module test cases.


function assertModuleTablesExist($module) {
    $tables = array_keys(drupal_get_schema_unprocessed($module));
    $tables_exist = TRUE;
    foreach ($tables as $table) {
        if (!db_table_exists($table)) {
            $tables_exist = FALSE;
    return $this->assertTrue($tables_exist, format_string('All database tables defined by the @module module exist.', array(
        '@module' => $module,

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