Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.6.x modules/throttle.module \throttle_status()
  2. 5.x modules/throttle/throttle.module \throttle_status()
  3. 6.x modules/throttle/throttle.module \throttle_status()

Determine the current load on the site.

Call the throttle_status() function from your own modules, themes, blocks, etc. to determine the current throttle status. For example, in your theme you might choose to disable pictures when your site is too busy (reducing bandwidth), or in your modules you might choose to disable some complicated logic when your site is too busy (reducing CPU utilization).

Return value

0 or 1. 0 means that the throttle is currently disabled. 1 means that the throttle is currently enabled. When the throttle is enabled, CPU and bandwidth intensive functionality should be disabled.

1 call to throttle_status()
hook_init in developer/hooks/core.php
Perform setup tasks.


modules/throttle.module, line 22
Allows configuration of congestion control auto-throttle mechanism.


function throttle_status() {
  return variable_get('throttle_level', 0);