function _update_cache_clear

Invalidates cached data relating to update status.


$cid: (optional) Cache ID of the record to clear from the private update module cache. If empty, all records will be cleared from the table except fetch tasks. Defaults to NULL.

$wildcard: (optional) If TRUE, cache IDs starting with $cid are deleted in addition to the exact cache ID specified by $cid. Defaults to FALSE.

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modules/update/update.module, line 850


function _update_cache_clear($cid = NULL, $wildcard = FALSE) {
    if (empty($cid)) {
        db_delete('cache_update')->condition('cid', 'fetch_task::%', 'NOT LIKE')
    else {
        $query = db_delete('cache_update');
        if ($wildcard) {
            $query->condition('cid', $cid . '%', 'LIKE');
        else {
            $query->condition('cid', $cid);

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