function theme_update_report

Returns HTML for the project status report.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • data: An array of data about each project's status.

Related topics

1 theme call to theme_update_report()
update_status in modules/update/
Page callback: Generates a page about the update status of projects.


modules/update/, line 33


function theme_update_report($variables) {
    $data = $variables['data'];
    $last = variable_get('update_last_check', 0);
    $output = theme('update_last_check', array(
        'last' => $last,
    if (!is_array($data)) {
        $output .= '<p>' . $data . '</p>';
        return $output;
    $header = array();
    $rows = array();
    $notification_level = variable_get('update_notification_threshold', 'all');
    // Create an array of status values keyed by module or theme name, since
    // we'll need this while generating the report if we have to cross reference
    // anything (e.g. subthemes which have base themes missing an update).
    foreach ($data as $project) {
        foreach ($project['includes'] as $key => $name) {
            $status[$key] = $project['status'];
    foreach ($data as $project) {
        switch ($project['status']) {
            case UPDATE_CURRENT:
                $class = 'ok';
                $icon = theme('image', array(
                    'path' => 'misc/watchdog-ok.png',
                    'width' => 18,
                    'height' => 18,
                    'alt' => t('ok'),
                    'title' => t('ok'),
            case UPDATE_UNKNOWN:
            case UPDATE_FETCH_PENDING:
            case UPDATE_NOT_FETCHED:
                $class = 'unknown';
                $icon = theme('image', array(
                    'path' => 'misc/watchdog-warning.png',
                    'width' => 18,
                    'height' => 18,
                    'alt' => t('warning'),
                    'title' => t('warning'),
            case UPDATE_NOT_SECURE:
            case UPDATE_REVOKED:
            case UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED:
                $class = 'error';
                $icon = theme('image', array(
                    'path' => 'misc/watchdog-error.png',
                    'width' => 18,
                    'height' => 18,
                    'alt' => t('error'),
                    'title' => t('error'),
            case UPDATE_NOT_CHECKED:
            case UPDATE_NOT_CURRENT:
                $class = 'warning';
                $icon = theme('image', array(
                    'path' => 'misc/watchdog-warning.png',
                    'width' => 18,
                    'height' => 18,
                    'alt' => t('warning'),
                    'title' => t('warning'),
        $row = '<div class="version-status">';
        $status_label = theme('update_status_label', array(
            'status' => $project['status'],
        $row .= !empty($status_label) ? $status_label : check_plain($project['reason']);
        $row .= '<span class="icon">' . $icon . '</span>';
        $row .= "</div>\n";
        $row .= '<div class="project">';
        if (isset($project['title'])) {
            if (isset($project['link'])) {
                $row .= l($project['title'], $project['link']);
            else {
                $row .= check_plain($project['title']);
        else {
            $row .= check_plain($project['name']);
        $row .= ' ' . check_plain($project['existing_version']);
        if ($project['install_type'] == 'dev' && !empty($project['datestamp'])) {
            $row .= ' <span class="version-date">(' . format_date($project['datestamp'], 'custom', 'Y-M-d') . ')</span>';
        $row .= "</div>\n";
        $versions_inner = '';
        $security_class = array();
        $version_class = array();
        if (isset($project['recommended'])) {
            if ($project['status'] != UPDATE_CURRENT || $project['existing_version'] !== $project['recommended']) {
                // First, figure out what to recommend.
                // If there's only 1 security update and it has the same version we're
                // recommending, give it the same CSS class as if it was recommended,
                // but don't print out a separate "Recommended" line for this project.
                if (!empty($project['security updates']) && count($project['security updates']) == 1 && $project['security updates'][0]['version'] === $project['recommended']) {
                    $security_class[] = 'version-recommended';
                    $security_class[] = 'version-recommended-strong';
                else {
                    $version_class[] = 'version-recommended';
                    // Apply an extra class if we're displaying both a recommended
                    // version and anything else for an extra visual hint.
                    if ($project['recommended'] !== $project['latest_version'] || !empty($project['also']) || $project['install_type'] == 'dev' && isset($project['dev_version']) && $project['latest_version'] !== $project['dev_version'] && $project['recommended'] !== $project['dev_version'] || isset($project['security updates'][0]) && $project['recommended'] !== $project['security updates'][0]) {
                        $version_class[] = 'version-recommended-strong';
                    $versions_inner .= theme('update_version', array(
                        'version' => $project['releases'][$project['recommended']],
                        'tag' => t('Recommended version:'),
                        'class' => $version_class,
                // Now, print any security updates.
                if (!empty($project['security updates'])) {
                    $security_class[] = 'version-security';
                    foreach ($project['security updates'] as $security_update) {
                        $versions_inner .= theme('update_version', array(
                            'version' => $security_update,
                            'tag' => t('Security update:'),
                            'class' => $security_class,
            if ($project['recommended'] !== $project['latest_version']) {
                $versions_inner .= theme('update_version', array(
                    'version' => $project['releases'][$project['latest_version']],
                    'tag' => t('Latest version:'),
                    'class' => array(
            if ($project['install_type'] == 'dev' && $project['status'] != UPDATE_CURRENT && isset($project['dev_version']) && $project['recommended'] !== $project['dev_version']) {
                $versions_inner .= theme('update_version', array(
                    'version' => $project['releases'][$project['dev_version']],
                    'tag' => t('Development version:'),
                    'class' => array(
        if (isset($project['also'])) {
            foreach ($project['also'] as $also) {
                $versions_inner .= theme('update_version', array(
                    'version' => $project['releases'][$also],
                    'tag' => t('Also available:'),
                    'class' => array(
        if (!empty($versions_inner)) {
            $row .= "<div class=\"versions\">\n" . $versions_inner . "</div>\n";
        $row .= "<div class=\"info\">\n";
        if (!empty($project['extra'])) {
            $row .= '<div class="extra">' . "\n";
            foreach ($project['extra'] as $key => $value) {
                $row .= '<div class="' . implode(' ', $value['class']) . '">';
                $row .= check_plain($value['label']) . ': ';
                $row .= drupal_placeholder($value['data']);
                $row .= "</div>\n";
            $row .= "</div>\n";
            // extra div.
        $row .= '<div class="includes">';
        if (!empty($project['disabled'])) {
            // Make sure we start with a clean slate for each project in the report.
            $includes_items = array();
            $row .= t('Includes:');
            $includes_items[] = t('Enabled: %includes', array(
                '%includes' => implode(', ', $project['includes']),
            $includes_items[] = t('Disabled: %disabled', array(
                '%disabled' => implode(', ', $project['disabled']),
            $row .= theme('item_list', array(
                'items' => $includes_items,
        else {
            $row .= t('Includes: %includes', array(
                '%includes' => implode(', ', $project['includes']),
        $row .= "</div>\n";
        if (!empty($project['base_themes'])) {
            $row .= '<div class="basethemes">';
            $base_themes = array();
            foreach ($project['base_themes'] as $base_key => $base_theme) {
                switch ($status[$base_key]) {
                    case UPDATE_NOT_SECURE:
                    case UPDATE_REVOKED:
                    case UPDATE_NOT_SUPPORTED:
                        $base_themes[] = t('%base_theme (!base_label)', array(
                            '%base_theme' => $base_theme,
                            '!base_label' => theme('update_status_label', array(
                                'status' => $status[$base_key],
                        $base_themes[] = drupal_placeholder($base_theme);
            $row .= t('Depends on: !basethemes', array(
                '!basethemes' => implode(', ', $base_themes),
            $row .= "</div>\n";
        if (!empty($project['sub_themes'])) {
            $row .= '<div class="subthemes">';
            $row .= t('Required by: %subthemes', array(
                '%subthemes' => implode(', ', $project['sub_themes']),
            $row .= "</div>\n";
        $row .= "</div>\n";
        // info div.
        if (!isset($rows[$project['project_type']])) {
            $rows[$project['project_type']] = array();
        $row_key = isset($project['title']) ? drupal_strtolower($project['title']) : drupal_strtolower($project['name']);
        $rows[$project['project_type']][$row_key] = array(
            'class' => array(
            'data' => array(
    $project_types = array(
        'core' => t('Drupal core'),
        'module' => t('Modules'),
        'theme' => t('Themes'),
        'module-disabled' => t('Disabled modules'),
        'theme-disabled' => t('Disabled themes'),
    foreach ($project_types as $type_name => $type_label) {
        if (!empty($rows[$type_name])) {
            $output .= "\n<h3>" . $type_label . "</h3>\n";
            $output .= theme('table', array(
                'header' => $header,
                'rows' => $rows[$type_name],
                'attributes' => array(
                    'class' => array(
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'update') . '/update.css');
    return $output;

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