Same filename in this branch
  1. 5.x themes/pushbutton/comment.tpl.php
  2. 5.x themes/garland/comment.tpl.php
  3. 5.x themes/engines/phptemplate/comment.tpl.php
  4. 5.x themes/bluemarine/comment.tpl.php
Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 6.x themes/garland/comment.tpl.php
  2. 7.x themes/garland/comment.tpl.php
1 theme call to comment.tpl.php
theme_comment_view in modules/comment/comment.module


View source
<div class="comment<?php

print $comment->new ? ' comment-new' : '';
print $comment->status == COMMENT_NOT_PUBLISHED ? ' comment-unpublished' : '';
print ' ' . $zebra;

  <div class="clear-block">

if ($submitted) {
    <span class="submitted"><?php

  print t('!date — !username', array(
    '!username' => theme('username', $comment),
    '!date' => format_date($comment->timestamp),



if ($comment->new) {
    <a id="new"></a>
    <span class="new"><?php

  print drupal_ucfirst($new);



print $picture;


print $title;

    <div class="content">

print $content;



if ($links) {
    <div class="links"><?php

  print $links;
