function CacheExampleTestCase::testCacheExampleBasic

Functional tests for cache_example.

Load cache example page and test if displaying uncached version. Reload once again and test if displaying cached version. Find reload link and click on it. Clear cache at the end and test if displaying uncached version again.


cache_example/cache_example.test, line 40


Functional tests for the Cache Example module.


public function testCacheExampleBasic() {
    // We need administrative privileges to clear the cache.
    $admin_user = $this->drupalCreateUser(array(
        'administer site configuration',
    // Get uncached output of cache example page and assert some things to be
    // sure.
    $this->assertText('Source: actual file search');
    // Reload the page; the number should be cached.
    $this->assertText('Source: cached');
    // Now push the button to remove the count.
    $this->drupalPost('examples/cache_example', array(), t('Explicitly remove cached file count'));
    $this->assertText('Source: actual file search');
    // Create a cached item. First make sure it doesn't already exist.
    $this->assertText('Cache item does not exist');
    $this->drupalPost('examples/cache_example', array(
        'expiration' => -10,
    ), t('Create a cache item with this expiration'));
    // We should now have an already-expired item.
    $this->assertText('Cache item exists and is set to expire');
    // Now do the expiration operation.
    $this->drupalPost('examples/cache_example', array(
        'cache_clear_type' => 'expire',
    ), t('Clear or expire cache'));
    // And verify that it was removed.
    $this->assertText('Cache item does not exist');
    // Create a cached item. This time we'll make it not expire.
    $this->drupalPost('examples/cache_example', array(
        'expiration' => 'never_remove',
    ), t('Create a cache item with this expiration'));
    // We should now have an never-remove item.
    $this->assertText('Cache item exists and is set to expire at Never expires');
    // Now do the expiration operation.
    $this->drupalPost('examples/cache_example', array(
        'cache_clear_type' => 'expire',
    ), t('Clear or expire cache'));
    // And verify that it was not removed.
    $this->assertText('Cache item exists and is set to expire at Never expires');
    // Now do full removal.
    $this->drupalPost('examples/cache_example', array(
        'cache_clear_type' => 'remove_wildcard',
    ), t('Clear or expire cache'));
    // And verify that it was removed.
    $this->assertText('Cache item does not exist');