Files - 7.x-1.x - examples

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Title Deprecated File name Namespace Summary
accordion.tpl.php js_example/accordion.tpl.php Template file for js_example module. action_example/ name = Action example description = Demonstrates providing actions that can be associated to triggers. package = Example modules core = 7.x ; Since someone might install our module through Composer, we want to be sure ; that the Drupal Composer facade…
action_example.module action_example/action_example.module Action definition example module.
action_example.test action_example/action_example.test test file for action_example module.
ajax_example.css ajax_example/ajax_example.css /* * @file * CSS for ajax_example. * * See @link ajax_example_dependent_dropdown_degrades @endlink for * details on what this file does. It is not used in any other example. */ /* Hides the next button when not degrading to non-javascript… ajax_example/ name = AJAX Example description = An example module showing how to use Drupal AJAX forms package = Example modules core = 7.x files[] = ajax_example.test
ajax_example.install ajax_example/ajax_example.install AJAX Examples install file schema for ajax_example_form_node_form_alter()
ajax_example.module ajax_example/ajax_example.module AJAX Examples module file with basic examples.
ajax_example.test ajax_example/ajax_example.test Test ajax example module. ajax_example/ AJAX Commands examples. ajax_example/ ajax_example/ Demonstrations of AJAX with graceful degradation. ajax_example/ AJAX Miscellaneous Topics. ajax_example/ This example shows how to use AJAX when altering a node form. ajax_example/ Progress bar example. batch_example/ name = Batch example description = An example outlining how a module can define batch operations. package = Example modules core = 7.x files[] = batch_example.test
batch_example.install batch_example/batch_example.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the batch_example module.
batch_example.module batch_example/batch_example.module Outlines how a module can use the Batch API.
batch_example.test batch_example/batch_example.test Test case for Testing the batch example module. block_example/ name = Block Example description = An example outlining how a module can define blocks. package = Example modules core = 7.x ; Since someone might install our module through Composer, we want to be sure ; that the Drupal Composer facade knows…
block_example.install block_example/block_example.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the block_example module.
block_example.module block_example/block_example.module Module file for block_example.
block_example.test block_example/block_example.test Test case for testing the block example module. cache_example/ name = Cache Example description = An example outlining how to use Cache API. package = Example modules core = 7.x files[] = cache_example.test
cache_example.module cache_example/cache_example.module Outlines how a module can use the Cache API.
cache_example.test cache_example/cache_example.test Test case for testing the cache example module.
contextual-links-example-object.tpl.php contextual_links_example/contextual-links-example-object.tpl.php Default theme implementation: Display a sample object with contextual links. contextual_links_example/ name = Contextual links example description = Demonstrates how to use contextual links for enhancing the user experience. package = Example modules core = 7.x files[] = contextual_links_example.test
contextual_links_example.module contextual_links_example/contextual_links_example.module Shows how to use Drupal's contextual links functionality.
contextual_links_example.test contextual_links_example/contextual_links_example.test Functional tests for the contextual_links_example module. cron_example/ name = Cron example description = Demonstrates hook_cron() and related features package = Example modules core = 7.x files[] = cron_example.test
cron_example.module cron_example/cron_example.module Demonstrates use of the Cron API in Drupal - hook_cron()
cron_example.test cron_example/cron_example.test Test case for testing the cron example module. dbtng_example/ name = DBTNG example description = An example module showing how use the database API: DBTNG. package = Example modules core = 7.x files[] = dbtng_example.test
dbtng_example.install dbtng_example/dbtng_example.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the dbtng_example module.
dbtng_example.module dbtng_example/dbtng_example.module This is an example outlining how a module can make use of the new DBTNG database API in Drupal 7.
dbtng_example.test dbtng_example/dbtng_example.test SimpleTests for dbtng_example module. email_example/ name = E-mail Example description = Demonstrate Drupal's e-mail APIs. package = Example modules core = 7.x files[] = email_example.test
email_example.module email_example/email_example.module Example of how to use Drupal's mail API.
email_example.test email_example/email_example.test Simpletest case for email_example module. entity_example/ name = Entity Example description = A simple entity example showing the main steps required to set up your own entity. core = 7.x package = Example modules ; Since someone might install our module through Composer, we want to be sure ; that the Drupal…
entity_example.install entity_example/entity_example.install Install for a basic entity - need to create the base table for our entity. This table can have as many columns as you need to keep track of entity-specific data that will not be added via attached fields. The minimum information for the entity to work…
entity_example.module entity_example/entity_example.module Implements the basic functionality required to create and display an entity.
entity_example.test entity_example/entity_example.test Tests for entity_example module.
examples.index.php ./examples.index.php Example modules ./ name = Examples For Developers description = A variety of example code for you to learn from and hack upon. package = Example modules core = 7.x
examples.module ./examples.module This file serves as a stub file for the many Examples modules in the Examples for Developers Project which you can download and experiment with.
field_example.css field_example/field_example.css CSS for Field Example. field_example/ name = Field Example description = An implementation of a field to show the Field API package = Example modules core = 7.x files[] = field_example.test
field_example.install field_example/field_example.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the field_example module.

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