
Same filename in other branches
  1. 7.x-1.x menu_example/menu_example.module
  2. 4.0.x modules/menu_example/menu_example.module

Module file for menu_example_module.



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 * @file
 * Module file for menu_example_module.

 * Drupal 7's hook_menu() is now Routing system in Drupal 8.
 * Drupal 8's routing system is based on Symfony's routing system.
 * A route is an entry Drupal 8's router table which contains a path attached
 * to it. In drupal, a route is a path which is returns some response.
 * When a path is requested, Drupal matches the request to a route
 * and if route is match the content is returned else 404 is returned.
 * The association of a path with a controller, coupled with parameter
 * upcasting and access checking is now handled in the routing system.
 * @link menu_example.routing.yml @endlink
 * Drupal loads the routing file that is of the form module_name.routing.yml
 * that it will use to define how Drupal will behave when a specific path
 * is encountered. If you want to expose content or functionality on your own
 * URIs on a site, routing file is an important part of your module.
 * This can help provide functionality at specific URIs of a website or just
 * modify or augment existing functionality.
 * @see
 * @link @endlink
 * In Drupal 8, menu links are specified in a static file named as
 * This file uses a route_name to tie a route name
 * to a menu link. These are the links which appear on tools block in UI.
 * @see
 * @link menu_example.links.task.yml @endlink
 * To create menu tab entries (only up to 2 level), we make entries in a file
 * named as module_name.links.task.yml. These are mostly used on administrative
 * pages but frontend pages like user pages or the registration/login/new
 * password pages also use local tasks.
 * @see @endlink