Example: Simpletest

An example of simpletest tests to accompany the tutorial at http://drupal.org/node/890654.

This module creates a new node type called 'SimpleTest Example Node Type,' so that we can test it.

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simpletest_example/simpletest_example.module, line 8


Title Sort descending File name Summary
simpletest_example_empty_mysql_date simpletest_example/simpletest_example.module A simple self-contained function used to demonstrate unit tests.
simpletest_example_form simpletest_example/simpletest_example.module Implements hook_form().
simpletest_example_install simpletest_example/simpletest_example.install Implements hook_install().
simpletest_example_menu simpletest_example/simpletest_example.module Implements hook_menu().
simpletest_example_node_access simpletest_example/simpletest_example.module Implements hook_node_access().
simpletest_example_node_info simpletest_example/simpletest_example.module Implements hook_node_info().
simpletest_example_permission simpletest_example/simpletest_example.module Implements hook_permission().
simpletest_example_test_node_view simpletest_example/tests/simpletest_example_test.module Implements hook_node_view().
simpletest_example_update_7001 simpletest_example/simpletest_example.install Adds a body field to the simpletest_example node type.
_simpletest_example_explanation simpletest_example/simpletest_example.module Returns an explanation of this module.


Title Sort descending File name Summary
SimpleTestExampleMockModuleTestCase simpletest_example/simpletest_example.test SimpleTestExampleMockModuleTestCase allows us to demonstrate how you can
use a mock module to aid in functional testing in Drupal.
SimpleTestExampleTestCase simpletest_example/simpletest_example.test The SimpleTestExampleTestCase is a functional test case, meaning that it
actually exercises a particular sequence of actions through the web UI.
The majority of core test cases are done this way, but the SimpleTest suite
also provides unit tests as…
SimpleTestUnitTestExampleTestCase simpletest_example/simpletest_example.test Although most core test cases are based on DrupalWebTestCase and are
functional tests (exercising the web UI) we also have DrupalUnitTestCase,
which executes much faster because a Drupal install does not have to be
one. No environment is provided to a…