function SimpleTestExampleTestCase::runningOnTestbot
Detect if we're running on PIFR testbot.
Skip intentional failure in that case. It happens that on the testbot the site under test is in a directory named 'checkout' or 'site_under_test'.
Return value
bool TRUE if running on testbot.
1 call to SimpleTestExampleTestCase::runningOnTestbot()
- SimpleTestExampleTestCase::testSimpleTestExampleEdit in simpletest_example/
simpletest_example.test - Create a simpletest_example node and then see if our user can edit it.
simpletest_example.test, line 119
- SimpleTestExampleTestCase
- The SimpleTestExampleTestCase is a functional test case, meaning that it actually exercises a particular sequence of actions through the web UI. The majority of core test cases are done this way, but the SimpleTest suite also provides unit tests as…
public function runningOnTestbot() {
// @todo: Add this line back once the testbot variable is available.
// return env('DRUPALCI');
return TRUE;