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Title Object type File name Summary
RulesPluginUI::formDefaults function ui/
RulesPluginUI::form_extract_values function ui/ Applies the values of the form to the element.
RulesPluginUI::form_submit function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUI::form_validate function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface.
RulesPluginUI::getFormStateValues function ui/ Returns the state values for $form, possibly only a part of the whole form.
RulesPluginUI::getParameterForm function ui/ Actually generates the parameter form for the given data type.
RulesPluginUI::getVariableForm function ui/ Returns the form for configuring the info of a single variable.
RulesPluginUI::settingsForm function ui/ Adds the configuration settings form (label, tags, description, ...).
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormExtractValues function ui/
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormPermissionMatrix function ui/ Provides a matrix permission for the component based in the existing roles.
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormSubmit function ui/
RulesPluginUI::settingsFormValidate function ui/
RulesPluginUIInterface::form function ui/ Adds the whole configuration form of this rules configuration.
RulesPluginUIInterface::form_submit function ui/ Form submit handler for the element configuration form.
RulesPluginUIInterface::form_validate function ui/ Validate the configuration form of this rule element.
RulesReactionRuleUI::form function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form().
RulesReactionRuleUI::settingsForm function ui/ Adds the configuration settings form (label, tags, description, ..).
RulesReactionRuleUI::settingsFormExtractValues function ui/
RulesRuleSetUI::form function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form().
RulesRuleUI::form function ui/ Implements RulesPluginUIInterface::form().
RulesRuleUI::form_extract_values function ui/ Applies the values of the form to the rule configuration.
rules_action_data_calc_form_alter function modules/ Form alter callback for the data calculation action.
rules_action_data_set_form_alter function modules/ Form alter callback for the data_set action.
rules_action_type_form_alter function modules/ Form alter callback for actions relying on the entity type or the data type.
rules_action_type_form_submit_rebuild function modules/ FAPI submit callback for reloading the type form for entities or data types.
rules_admin_form_alter function rules_admin/rules_admin.module Implements hook_form_alter().
rules_condition_data_is_form_alter function modules/ Form alter callback for the condition data_is.
rules_condition_entity_is_of_bundle_form_alter function modules/ Form alter callback for the condition entity_is_of_bundle.
rules_data_list_form_alter function modules/ Form alter callback for the list add and remove actions.
rules_execute_php_eval_form_alter function modules/ Alter the form for improved UX.
rules_form_after_build_restore_base_path function ui/ Form after build handler to set the static base path.
rules_form_submit_rebuild function ui/ General form submit handler, that rebuilds the form.
rules_i18n_action_t_form_alter function rules_i18n/ Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter() for the action_t form.
rules_scheduler_action_schedule_form_alter function rules_scheduler/ Form alter callback for the schedule action.
rules_scheduler_form function rules_scheduler/ Form for deletion of tasks by component.
rules_scheduler_form_delete_by_config_submit function rules_scheduler/ Submit handler for deleting future scheduled tasks.
rules_scheduler_schedule_form function rules_scheduler/ Configuration form to manually schedule a rules component.
rules_scheduler_schedule_form_submit function rules_scheduler/ Submit callback to execute the scheduling action.
rules_ui_element_variable_form_validate function ui/ FAPI callback to validate the form for editing variable info.
rules_ui_form_ajax_reload_form function ui/ Ajax callback for reloading the whole form.
rules_ui_form_clone_rules_config function ui/ Clone a rules configuration form.
rules_ui_form_data_selection_auto_completion function ui/ Autocomplete data selection results.
rules_ui_form_default_ajax function ui/ Defines #ajax properties.
rules_ui_form_edit_rules_config function ui/ Edit a rules configuration.
rules_ui_form_edit_rules_config_submit function ui/ Edit a rules configuration form submit callback.
rules_ui_form_execute_rules_config function ui/ Configuration form to directly execute a rules configuration.
rules_ui_form_execute_rules_config_submit function ui/ Submit callback for directly executing a component.
rules_ui_form_export_rules_config function ui/ A simple form just showing a textarea with the export.
rules_ui_form_rules_config_confirm_op function ui/ Confirmation form for applying the operation to the config.
rules_ui_form_rules_config_confirm_op_submit function ui/ Rule config deletion form submit callback.