Internationalization rules integration.



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 * @file
 * Internationalization rules integration.

 * Implements hook_rules_action_info().
function rules_i18n_rules_action_info() {
    $items['rules_i18n_t'] = array(
        'label' => t('Translate a text'),
        'group' => t('Translation'),
        'parameter' => array(
            'text' => array(
                'type' => 'text',
                'label' => t('Text'),
                'description' => t('The text to translate.'),
                'translatable' => TRUE,
            'language' => array(
                'type' => 'token',
                'label' => t('Language'),
                'description' => t('The language to translate the text into.'),
                'options list' => 'entity_metadata_language_list',
                'default mode' => 'select',
        'provides' => array(
            'text' => array(
                'type' => 'text',
                'label' => t('The translated text'),
        'base' => 'rules_i18n_action_t',
        'access callback' => 'rules_i18n_rules_integration_access',
    $items['rules_i18n_select'] = array(
        'label' => t('Select a translated value'),
        'group' => t('Translation'),
        'parameter' => array(
            'data' => array(
                'type' => '*',
                'label' => t('Data'),
                'description' => t('Select a translated value, e.g. a translatable field. If the selected data is not translatable, the language neutral value will be selected.'),
                'translatable' => TRUE,
                'restrict' => 'select',
            'language' => array(
                'type' => 'token',
                'label' => t('Language'),
                'description' => t('The language to translate the value into.'),
                'options list' => 'entity_metadata_language_list',
        'provides' => array(
            'data_translated' => array(
                'type' => '*',
                'label' => t('The translated value'),
        'base' => 'rules_i18n_action_select',
        'access callback' => 'rules_i18n_rules_integration_access',
    return $items;

 * Access callback for the rules i18n integration.
function rules_i18n_rules_integration_access() {
    return user_access('translate interface');

 * Action callback: Translate a text.
function rules_i18n_action_t($text) {
    // Nothing to do, as our input evaluator has already translated it.
    // @see RulesI18nStringEvaluator
    return array(
        'text' => $text,

 * Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter() for the action_t form.
 * Implements the form_alter callback for the "Translate a text" action
 * to set a default selector.
function rules_i18n_action_t_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $options, $element) {
    if (isset($form['parameter']['language']['settings']['language:select']) && empty($element->settings['language:select'])) {
        $form['parameter']['language']['settings']['language:select']['#default_value'] = 'site:current-page:language';

 * Action callback: Select a translated value.
function rules_i18n_action_select($data) {
    // Nothing to do, as Rules applies the language to the data selector for us.
    return array(
        'data_translated' => $data,

 * Action "Select a translated value" info_alter callback.
function rules_i18n_action_select_info_alter(&$element_info, $element) {
    $element->settings += array(
        'data:select' => NULL,
    if ($wrapper = $element->applyDataSelector($element->settings['data:select'])) {
        $info = $wrapper->info();
        // Pass through the data type of the selected data.
        $element_info['provides']['data_translated']['type'] = $wrapper->type();

 * Implements hook_rules_evaluator_info().
function rules_i18n_rules_evaluator_info() {
    return array(
        'i18n' => array(
            'class' => 'RulesI18nStringEvaluator',
            'type' => array(
            // Be sure to translate after doing PHP evaluation.
'weight' => -8,

 * A class implementing a rules input evaluator processing tokens.
class RulesI18nStringEvaluator extends RulesDataInputEvaluator {
     * Access callback.
    public static function access() {
        return user_access('translate admin strings');
     * Overrides RulesDataInputEvaluator::prepare().
    public function prepare($text, $var_info, $param_info = NULL) {
        if (!empty($param_info['translatable'])) {
            $this->setting = TRUE;
        else {
            // Else, skip this evaluator.
            $this->setting = NULL;
     * Prepare the i18n-context string.
     * We have to use process() here instead of evaluate() because we need more
     * context than evaluate() provides.
    public function process($value, $info, RulesState $state, RulesPlugin $element, $options = NULL) {
        $options = isset($options) ? $options : $this->getEvaluatorOptions($info, $state, $element);
        $value = isset($this->processor) ? $this->processor
            ->process($value, $info, $state, $element, $options) : $value;
        if (isset($element->root()->name)) {
            $config_name = $element->root()->name;
            $id = $element->elementId();
            $name = $info['#name'];
            $options['i18n context'] = "rules:rules_config:{$config_name}:{$id}:{$name}";
            return $this->evaluate($value, $options, $state);
        return $value;
     * Translate the value.
     * If the element provides a language parameter, we are using this target
     * language provided via $options['language']. Sanitizing is handled by Rules,
     * so disable that for i18n.
    public function evaluate($value, $options, RulesState $state) {
        $langcode = isset($options['language']) ? $options['language']->language : NULL;
        if (is_array($value)) {
            foreach ($value as $key => $text) {
                $value[$key] = i18n_string($options['i18n context'] . ':' . $key, $text, array(
                    'langcode' => $langcode,
                    'sanitize' => FALSE,
        else {
            $value = i18n_string($options['i18n context'], $value, array(
                'langcode' => $langcode,
                'sanitize' => FALSE,
        return $value;
     * Overrides RulesDataInputEvaluator::help().
    public static function help($var_info, $param_info = array()) {
        if (!empty($param_info['translatable'])) {
            if (!empty($param_info['custom translation language'])) {
                $text = t('Translations can be provided at the %translate tab. The argument value is translated to the configured language.', array(
                    '%translate' => t('Translate'),
            else {
                $text = t('Translations can be provided at the %translate tab. The argument value is translated to the current interface language.', array(
                    '%translate' => t('Translate'),
            $render = array(
                '#theme' => 'rules_settings_help',
                '#text' => $text,
                '#heading' => t('Translation'),
            return $render;



Title Deprecated Summary
rules_i18n_action_select Action callback: Select a translated value.
rules_i18n_action_select_info_alter Action "Select a translated value" info_alter callback.
rules_i18n_action_t Action callback: Translate a text.
rules_i18n_action_t_form_alter Implements hook_form_FORMID_alter() for the action_t form.
rules_i18n_rules_action_info Implements hook_rules_action_info().
rules_i18n_rules_evaluator_info Implements hook_rules_evaluator_info().
rules_i18n_rules_integration_access Access callback for the rules i18n integration.


Title Deprecated Summary
RulesI18nStringEvaluator A class implementing a rules input evaluator processing tokens.