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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule::import function includes/ Applies the given export.
Rule::importChildren function includes/
RulesAbstractPlugin::import function includes/ Applies the given export.
RulesActionContainer::import function includes/ Applies the given export.
RulesCondition::import function includes/ Applies the given export.
RulesConditionContainer::importChildren function includes/
RulesContainerPlugin::import function includes/ Applies the given export.
RulesContainerPlugin::importChildren function includes/
RulesEntityController::import function includes/ Overridden to work with Rules' custom export format.
RulesLoop::importChildren function includes/
RulesLoop::importSettings function includes/
RulesPlugin::import function includes/ Applies the given export.
RulesPlugin::importParameterSetting function includes/
RulesPlugin::importSettings function includes/
RulesReactionRule::importChildren function includes/
RulesRuleSet::importChildren function includes/
RulesTestCase::testRuleImportExport function tests/rules.test Tests importing and exporting a rule.
rules_import function ./rules.module Imports the given export and returns the imported configuration.
rules_ui_import_form function ui/ Import form for rule configurations.
rules_ui_import_form_submit function ui/ Submit callback for the import form.
rules_ui_import_form_validate function ui/ Validation callback for the import form.
_rules_import_get_plugin function includes/ Determines the plugin to be used for importing a child element.