function RulesEntityController::import

Overridden to work with Rules' custom export format.


string $export: A serialized string in JSON format as produced by the RulesPlugin::export() method, or the PHP export as usual PHP array.

string $error_msg: The error message.


includes/, line 113


Make sure loaded rule configs are instantiated right.


public function import($export, &$error_msg = '') {
    $export = is_array($export) ? $export : drupal_json_decode($export);
    if (!is_array($export)) {
        $error_msg = t('Unable to parse the pasted export.');
        return FALSE;
    // The key is the configuration name and the value the actual export.
    $name = key($export);
    $export = current($export);
    if (!isset($export['PLUGIN'])) {
        $error_msg = t('Export misses plugin information.');
        return FALSE;
    // Create an empty configuration, re-set basic keys and import.
    $config = rules_plugin_factory($export['PLUGIN']);
    $config->name = $name;
    foreach (array(
    ) as $key) {
        if (isset($export[strtoupper($key)])) {
            $config->{$key} = $export[strtoupper($key)];
    if (!empty($export['REQUIRES'])) {
        foreach ($export['REQUIRES'] as $module) {
            if (!module_exists($module)) {
                $error_msg = t('Missing the required module %module.', array(
                    '%module' => $module,
                return FALSE;
        $config->dependencies = $export['REQUIRES'];
    return $config;