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Title Object type File name Summary
Rule::$label property includes/
RulesAbstractPlugin::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesAnd::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesCommentEventHandler::getBundlePropertyLabel function modules/ Returns the label to use for the bundle property.
RulesCondition::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesDataUI::renderOptionsLabel function ui/ Renders the value with a label if an options list is available.
RulesEventHandlerEntityBundle::getBundlePropertyLabel function includes/ Returns the label to use for the bundle property.
RulesLoop::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesNodeEventHandler::getBundlePropertyLabel function modules/ Returns the label to use for the bundle property.
RulesOr::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesPlugin::label function includes/ Returns the label of the element.
RulesTaxonomyEventHandler::getBundlePropertyLabel function modules/ Returns the label to use for the bundle property.
RulesUiTestCase::testConditionLabel function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Tests that NOT condition labels are not HTML-encoded in the UI.
RulesUiTestCase::testContainerPluginLabel function rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Tests that the title for embedded container plugins displays properly.