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Title Object type File name Summary
hook_rules_data_processor_info function ./rules.api.php Declare provided rules data processors.
hook_rules_data_processor_info_alter function ./rules.api.php Alter rules data_processor info. file includes/ Contains classes for data processing.
RulesAbstractPlugin::processSettings function includes/ Processes the settings e.g. to prepare input evaluators.
RulesDataInputEvaluator::process function includes/ Overridden to generate evaluator $options and invoke evaluate().
RulesDataInputEvaluator::processors function includes/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::processors().
RulesDataProcessor class includes/ Common base class for Rules data processors.
RulesDataProcessor::$processor property includes/ Allows chaining processors. If set, the next processor to invoke.
RulesDataProcessor::$setting property includes/ The processors' setting value.
RulesDataProcessor::access function includes/ Return whether the current user has permission to use the processor.
RulesDataProcessor::attachForm function includes/ Attaches the form of applicable data processors.
RulesDataProcessor::dependencies function includes/ Returns an array of modules which we depend on.
RulesDataProcessor::editAccess function includes/ Determines whether the current user has permission to edit this chain of
data processors.
RulesDataProcessor::form function includes/ Defines the processor form element.
RulesDataProcessor::getChainSettings function includes/ Gets the settings array for this and all contained chained processors.
RulesDataProcessor::getPreparedValue function includes/ Return $this or skip this processor by returning the next processor.
RulesDataProcessor::getSetting function includes/ Gets the settings of this processor.
RulesDataProcessor::prepareSetting function includes/ Prepares the processor for parameters.
RulesDataProcessor::process function includes/ Processes the value.
RulesDataProcessor::processors function includes/ Returns defined data processors applicable for the given parameter.
RulesDataProcessor::unchain function includes/
RulesDataProcessor::_item_sort function includes/
RulesDataProcessor::__construct function includes/ Constructor.
RulesDateOffsetProcessor class modules/ A data processor for applying date offsets.
RulesDateOffsetProcessor::applyOffset function modules/ Intelligently applies the given date offset in seconds.
RulesDateOffsetProcessor::form function modules/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::form().
RulesDateOffsetProcessor::process function modules/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process().
RulesI18nStringEvaluator::process function rules_i18n/ Prepare the i18n-context string.
RulesNumericOffsetProcessor class modules/ A data processor for applying numerical offsets.
RulesNumericOffsetProcessor::form function modules/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::form().
RulesNumericOffsetProcessor::process function modules/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process().
RulesPHPDataProcessor class modules/ A data processor using PHP.
RulesPHPDataProcessor::editAccess function modules/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::editAccess().
RulesPHPDataProcessor::form function modules/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::form().
RulesPHPDataProcessor::process function modules/ Overrides RulesDataProcessor::process().
RulesPlugin::processSettings function includes/ Processes the settings e.g. to prepare input evaluators.
RulesPluginHandlerBase::process function includes/ Processes settings independent from a form submission.
RulesPluginHandlerInterface::process function includes/ Processes settings independent from a form submission.
rules_condition_entity_is_of_bundle_process function modules/ Process callback for the condition entity_is_of_bundle.
rules_data_selection_process function ui/ FAPI process callback for the data selection widget.
rules_execute_php_eval_process function modules/ Process the settings to prepare code execution.
rules_php_data_processor_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_data_processor_info() on behalf of the php module.
rules_rules_core_data_processor_info function modules/ Implements hook_rules_data_processor_info() on behalf of the pseudo
rules_core module.
rules_rules_data_processor_info function ./ Implements hook_rules_data_processor_info().
rules_ui_element_duration_process function ui/ FAPI process callback for the duration element type.