Classes, traits, and interfaces - 7.x-2.x - rules

Primary tabs

Name Deprecated Object type Namespace File name Summary Direct uses Use statements Strings
RulesSchedulerTaskHandlerInterface interface rules_scheduler/includes/ Interface for scheduled task handlers. 1
RulesSchedulerTestCase class rules_scheduler/tests/rules_scheduler.test Test cases for the Rules Scheduler module.
RulesState class includes/ The rules evaluation state.
RulesTaxonomyEventHandler class modules/ Event handler support taxonomy bundle event settings.
RulesTaxonomyVocabularyWrapper class modules/ A custom wrapper class for vocabularies.
RulesTestCase class tests/rules.test Rules test cases.
RulesTestClassAction class tests/ Action for testing writing class-based actions.
RulesTestContainer class tests/ Test container plugin.
RulesTestDataCase class tests/rules.test Test rules data wrappers.
RulesTestEventHandler class tests/ Test event handler class.
RulesTestTaskHandler class rules_scheduler/tests/ Test task handler class.
RulesTestTypeWrapper class tests/ The custom wrapper class for the rules test type.
RulesTokenEvaluator class modules/ A class implementing a rules input evaluator processing tokens.
RulesTriggerableInterface interface includes/ Interface for objects that are triggerable. 1
RulesTriggerTestCase class tests/rules.test Test triggering rules.
RulesUICategory class ui/ Class holding category related methods.
RulesUIController class ui/ Controller class for the Rules UI.
RulesUiTestCase class rules_admin/tests/rules_admin.test Tests for creating rules through the UI.
RulesURIInputEvaluator class modules/ A class implementing a rules input evaluator processing URI inputs.
rules_scheduler_views_filter class rules_scheduler/includes/ @file An extended subclass for component filtering.

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