function rules_action_data_set

Action: Modify data.

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function rules_action_data_set($wrapper, $value, $settings, $state, $element) {
    if ($wrapper instanceof EntityMetadataWrapper) {
        try {
            // Update the value first then save changes, if possible.
        } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
            throw new RulesEvaluationException('Unable to modify data "@selector": @message', array(
                '@selector' => $settings['data:select'],
                '@message' => $e->getMessage(),
        // Save changes if a property of a variable has been changed.
        if (strpos($element->settings['data:select'], ':') !== FALSE) {
            $info = $wrapper->info();
            // We always have to save the changes in the parent entity. E.g. when the
            // node author is changed, we don't want to save the author but the node.
            $state->saveChanges(implode(':', explode(':', $settings['data:select'], -1)), $info['parent']);
    else {
        // A not wrapped variable (e.g. a number) is being updated. Just overwrite
        // the variable with the new value.
        return array(
            'data' => $value,