function rules_entity_action_info

Implements hook_rules_action_info() on behalf of the entity module.

See also


Related topics


modules/, line 39


function rules_entity_action_info() {
    if (rules_entity_action_type_options('entity_fetch')) {
        $return['entity_fetch'] = array(
            'label' => t('Fetch entity by id'),
            'parameter' => array(
                'type' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'label' => t('Entity type'),
                    'options list' => 'rules_entity_action_type_options',
                    'description' => t('Specifies the type of entity that should be fetched.'),
                    'restriction' => 'input',
                'id' => array(
                    'type' => 'unknown',
                    'label' => t('Identifier'),
            'provides' => array(
                'entity_fetched' => array(
                    'type' => 'unknown',
                    'label' => t('Fetched entity'),
            'group' => t('Entities'),
            'access callback' => 'rules_entity_action_access',
            'base' => 'rules_action_entity_fetch',
            'callbacks' => array(
                'access' => 'rules_action_entity_createfetch_access',
                'form_alter' => 'rules_action_type_form_alter',
        $return['entity_query'] = array(
            'label' => t('Fetch entity by property'),
            'parameter' => array(
                'type' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'label' => t('Entity type'),
                    'options list' => 'rules_entity_action_type_options',
                    'description' => t('Specifies the type of the entity that should be fetched.'),
                    'restriction' => 'input',
                'property' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'label' => t('Property'),
                    'description' => t('The property by which the entity is to be selected.'),
                    'restriction' => 'input',
                'value' => array(
                    'type' => 'unknown',
                    'label' => t('Value'),
                    'description' => t('The property value of the entity to be fetched.'),
                'limit' => array(
                    'type' => 'integer',
                    'label' => t('Limit result count'),
                    'description' => t('Limit the maximum number of fetched entities.'),
                    'optional' => TRUE,
                    'default value' => '10',
            'provides' => array(
                'entity_fetched' => array(
                    'type' => 'list',
                    'label' => t('Fetched entity'),
            'group' => t('Entities'),
            'access callback' => 'rules_entity_action_access',
            'base' => 'rules_action_entity_query',
            'callbacks' => array(
                'form_alter' => 'rules_action_type_form_alter',
    if (rules_entity_action_type_options('entity_create')) {
        $return['entity_create'] = array(
            'label' => t('Create a new entity'),
            'named parameter' => TRUE,
            'parameter' => array(
                'type' => array(
                    'type' => 'text',
                    'label' => t('Entity type'),
                    'options list' => 'rules_entity_action_type_options',
                    'description' => t('Specifies the type of the entity that should be created.'),
                    'restriction' => 'input',
            'provides' => array(
                'entity_created' => array(
                    'type' => 'unknown',
                    'label' => t('Created entity'),
                    'save' => TRUE,
            'group' => t('Entities'),
            'access callback' => 'rules_entity_action_access',
            'base' => 'rules_action_entity_create',
            'callbacks' => array(
                'access' => 'rules_action_entity_createfetch_access',
                'form_alter' => 'rules_action_type_form_alter',
                'validate' => 'rules_action_create_type_validate',
    $return['entity_save'] = array(
        'label' => t('Save entity'),
        'parameter' => array(
            'data' => array(
                'type' => 'entity',
                'label' => t('Entity'),
                'description' => t('Specifies the entity, which should be saved permanently.'),
                'restriction' => 'selector',
                'wrapped' => TRUE,
            'immediate' => array(
                'type' => 'boolean',
                'label' => t('Force saving immediately'),
                'description' => t('Usually saving is postponed till the end of the evaluation, so that multiple saves can be fold into one. If this set, saving is forced to happen immediately.'),
                'default value' => FALSE,
                'optional' => TRUE,
                'restriction' => 'input',
        'group' => t('Entities'),
        'access callback' => 'rules_entity_action_access',
        'base' => 'rules_action_entity_save',
        'callbacks' => array(
            'access' => 'rules_action_entity_savedelete_access',
    $return['entity_delete'] = array(
        'label' => t('Delete entity'),
        'parameter' => array(
            'data' => array(
                'type' => 'entity',
                'label' => t('Entity'),
                'description' => t('Specifies the entity, which should be deleted permanently.'),
                'restriction' => 'selector',
                'wrapped' => TRUE,
        'group' => t('Entities'),
        'access callback' => 'rules_entity_action_access',
        'base' => 'rules_action_entity_delete',
        'callbacks' => array(
            'access' => 'rules_action_entity_savedelete_access',
    return $return;