function hook_default_rules_configuration

Define default rules configurations.

This hook is invoked when rules configurations are loaded. The implementation should be placed into the file, which gets automatically included when the hook is invoked.

Return value

array An array of rules configurations with the configuration names as keys.

See also



Related topics

1 function implements hook_default_rules_configuration()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

rules_test_default_rules_configuration in tests/
Implements hook_default_rules_configuration().


./rules.api.php, line 866


function hook_default_rules_configuration() {
    $rule = rules_reaction_rule();
    $rule->label = 'example default rule';
    // Add rules tags.
    $rule->tags = array(
    $rule->active = FALSE;
        ->condition(rules_condition('data_is', array(
        'data:select' => 'node:status',
        'value' => TRUE,
        ->condition('data_is', array(
        'data:select' => 'node:type',
        'value' => 'page',
        ->action('drupal_message', array(
        'message' => 'A node has been updated.',
    $configs['rules_test_default_1'] = $rule;
    return $configs;