function hook_rules_data_info

Define rules data types.

This hook is required in order to add a new rules data type. It should be placed into the file, which gets automatically included when the hook is invoked. Rules builds upon the entity metadata module, thus to improve the support of your data in rules, make it an entity if possible and provide metadata about its properties and CRUD functions by integrating with the entity metadata module. For a list of data types defined by rules see rules_rules_core_data_info().

Return value

array An array of information about the module's provided data types. The array contains a sub-array for each data type, with the data type name as the key. The name may only contain lower case alpha-numeric characters and underscores and should be prefixed with the providing module name. Possible attributes for each sub-array are:

  • label: The label of the data type. Start uncapitalized. Required.
  • parent: (optional) A parent type may be set to specify a sub-type relationship, which will be only used for checking compatible types. E.g. the 'entity' data type is parent of the 'node' data type, thus a node may be also used for any action needing an 'entity' parameter. Can be set to any known rules data type.
  • ui class: (optional) Specify a class that is used to generate the configuration UI to configure parameters of this type. The given class must extend RulesDataUI and may implement the RulesDataDirectInputFormInterface in order to allow the direct data input configuration mode. For supporting selecting values from options lists, the UI class may implement RulesDataInputOptionsListInterface also. Defaults to RulesDataUI.
  • wrap: (optional) If set to TRUE, the data is wrapped internally using wrappers provided by the entity API module. This is required for entities and data structures to support selecting a property via the data selector and for intelligent saving.
  • is wrapped: (optional) In case the data wrapper is already wrapped when passed to Rules and Rules should not unwrap it when passing the data as argument, e.g. to an action, set this to TRUE. The default FALSE is fine in most cases.
  • wrapper class: (optional) Allows the specification of a custom wrapper class, which has to inherit from 'EntityMetadataWrapper'. If given Rules makes use of the class for wrapping the data of the given type. However note that if data is already wrapped when it is passed to Rules, the existing wrappers will be kept. For modules implementing identifiable data types being non-entities the class RulesIdentifiableDataWrapper is provided, which can be used as base for a custom wrapper class. See RulesIdentifiableDataWrapper for details.
  • property info: (optional) May be used for non-entity data structures to provide info about the data properties, such that data selectors via an entity metadata wrapper are supported. Specify an array as expected by the $info parameter of entity_metadata_wrapper().
  • creation callback: (optional) If 'property info' is given, an optional callback that makes use of the property info to create a new instance of this data type. Entities should use hook_entity_info() to specify the 'creation callback' instead, as utilized by the entity API module. See rules_action_data_create_array() for an example callback.
  • property defaults: (optional) May be used for non-entity data structures to to provide property info defaults for the data properties. Specify an array as expected by entity_metadata_wrapper().
  • group: (optional) A group for this element, used for grouping the data types in the interface. Should start with a capital letter and be translated.
  • token type: (optional) The type name as used by the token module. Defaults to the type name as used by rules. Use FALSE to let token ignore this type.
  • cleaning callback: (optional) A callback that input evaluators may use to clean inserted replacements; e.g. this is used by the token evaluator.

See also




Related topics

2 functions implement hook_rules_data_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

rules_rules_data_info in ./
Implements hook_rules_data_info().
rules_test_rules_data_info in tests/
Implements hook_rules_data_info().


./rules.api.php, line 477


function hook_rules_data_info() {
    return array(
        'node' => array(
            'label' => t('content'),
            'parent' => 'entity',
            'group' => t('Node'),
        // Formatted text as used by in hook_entity_property_info() for text fields.
'text_formatted' => array(
            'label' => t('formatted text'),
            'ui class' => 'RulesDataUITextFormatted',
            'wrap' => TRUE,
            'property info' => entity_property_text_formatted_info(),