function hook_rules_plugin_info

Defines rules plugins.

A rules configuration may consist of elements being instances of any rules plugin. This hook can be used to define new or to extend rules plugins.

Return value

array An array of information about the module's provided rules plugins. The array contains a sub-array for each plugin, with the plugin name as the key. The name may only contain lower case alpha-numeric characters, underscores and spaces and should be prefixed with the providing module name. Possible attributes for each sub-array are:

  • label: A label for the plugin. Start capitalized. Required only for components (see below).
  • class: The implementation class. Has to extend the RulesPlugin class.
  • embeddable: A container class in which elements of those plugin may be embedded via the UI or FALSE to disallow embedding it via the UI. This has no implications on the API level though. Common classes that are used here are RulesConditionContainer and RulesActionContainer.
  • component: If set to TRUE, the rules admin UI will list elements of those plugin in the components UI and allows the creation of new components based upon this plugin. Optional.
  • extenders: This allows one to specify faces extenders, which may be used to dynamically implement interfaces. Optional. All extenders specified here are setup automatically by rules once the object is created. To specify set this to an array, where the keys are the implemented interfaces pointing to another array with the keys:

    • class: The class of the extender, implementing the FacesExtender and the specified interface. Either 'class' or 'methods' has to exist.
    • methods: An array of callbacks that implement the methods of the interface where the method names are the keys and the callback names the values. There has to be a callback for each defined method.
    • file: An optional array describing the file to include when a method of the interface is invoked. The array entries known are 'type', 'module', and 'name' matching the parameters of module_load_include(). Only 'module' is required as 'type' defaults to 'inc' and 'name' to NULL.
  • overrides: An optional array, which may be used to specify callbacks to override specific methods. For that the following keys are supported:

    • methods: As in the extenders array, but you may specify as many methods here as you like.
    • file: Optionally an array specifying a file to include for a method. For each method appearing in methods a file may be specified by using the method name as key and another array as value, which describes the file to include - looking like the file array supported by 'extenders'.
  • import keys: (optional) Embeddable plugins may specify an array of import keys, which the plugin make use for exporting. Defaults to the upper case plugin name, thus the key 'OR' in an export triggers the creation of the 'or' plugin. Note that only uppercase values are allowed, as lower case values are treated as action or condition exports.

See also



Related topics

2 functions implement hook_rules_plugin_info()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

rules_rules_plugin_info in ./rules.module
Implements hook_rules_plugin_info().
rules_test_rules_plugin_info in tests/
Implements hook_rules_plugin_info().


./rules.api.php, line 549


function hook_rules_plugin_info() {
    return array(
        'or' => array(
            'label' => t('Condition set (OR)'),
            'class' => 'RulesOr',
            'embeddable' => 'RulesConditionContainer',
            'component' => TRUE,
            'extenders' => array(
                'RulesPluginUIInterface' => array(
                    'class' => 'RulesConditionContainerUI',
        'rule' => array(
            'class' => 'Rule',
            'embeddable' => 'RulesRuleSet',
            'extenders' => array(
                'RulesPluginUIInterface' => array(
                    'class' => 'RulesRuleUI',
            'import keys' => array(