26 calls to rules_log()

Rule::evaluate in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Evaluate, whereas by default new vars are visible in the parent's scope.
Rule::fire in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Fires the rule, i.e. evaluates the rule without checking its conditions.
RulesAbstractPlugin::evaluate in includes/rules.core.inc
Evaluate the element on a given rules evaluation state.
RulesAbstractPlugin::executeByArgs in includes/rules.core.inc
Execute the configuration by passing arguments in a single array.
RulesAction::executeCallback in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Execute the callback and update/save data as specified by the action.
RulesAnd::evaluate in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Evaluate the element on a given rules evaluation state.
RulesCondition::executeCallback in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Execute the configured execution callback and log that.
RulesContainerPlugin::executeByArgs in includes/rules.core.inc
Executes container with the given arguments.
RulesEventSet::executeByArgs in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Executes container with the given arguments.
RulesLoop::evaluate in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Evaluate, whereas by default new vars are visible in the parent's scope.
RulesOr::evaluate in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Evaluate the element on a given rules evaluation state.
RulesReactionRule::evaluate in includes/rules.plugins.inc
Reaction rules can't add variables to the parent scope, so clone $state.
RulesSchedulerDefaultTaskHandler::runTask in rules_scheduler/includes/rules_scheduler.handler.inc
Implements RulesSchedulerTaskHandlerInterface::runTask().
RulesState::saveNow in includes/rules.state.inc
Saves the wrapper for the given selector.
RulesTestClassAction::execute in tests/rules_test.rules.inc
Executes the action.
rules_action_drupal_goto in modules/system.eval.inc
Action: Page redirect.
rules_action_node_path_alias in modules/path.eval.inc
Action Implementation: Set the URL alias for a node.
rules_action_path_alias in modules/path.eval.inc
Action implementation: Path alias.
rules_action_taxonomy_term_path_alias in modules/path.eval.inc
Action Implementation: Set the URL alias for a node.
rules_clean_path in modules/path.eval.inc
Cleans the given string so it can be used as part of a URL path.
rules_element_invoke_component in modules/rules_core.eval.inc
Action and condition callback: Invokes a rules component.
rules_scheduler_run_task in rules_scheduler/rules_scheduler.module
Queue worker callback for running a single task.
rules_test_action in tests/rules_test.rules.inc
Test action doing nothing exception logging it has been called.
rules_test_condition_apostrophe in tests/rules_test.rules.inc
Condition testing use of an apostrophe in a condition label.
rules_test_condition_false in tests/rules_test.rules.inc
Condition implementation returning false.
rules_test_condition_true in tests/rules_test.rules.inc
Condition implementation returning true.