function rules_fetch_data

Fetches module definitions for the given hook name.

Used for collecting events, rules, actions and condition from other modules.


$hook: The hook of the definitions to get from invoking hook_rules_{$hook}.

15 calls to rules_fetch_data()
drush_rules_list in ./
Get a list of all rules.
RulesAbstractPlugin::rebuildCache in includes/
Add in the data provided by the info hooks to the cache.
RulesContainerPluginUI::addOperations in ui/
Gets the Add-* operations for the given element.
RulesDataProcessor::processors in includes/
Returns defined data processors applicable for the given parameter.
RulesEventSet::rebuildEventCache in includes/
Rebuilds the event cache.

... See full list

1 string reference to 'rules_fetch_data'
rules_clear_cache in ./rules.module
Clears the rule set cache.


./rules.module, line 265


function rules_fetch_data($hook) {
    $data =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, array());
    static $discover = array(
        'action_info' => 'RulesActionHandlerInterface',
        'condition_info' => 'RulesConditionHandlerInterface',
        'event_info' => 'RulesEventHandlerInterface',
    if (!isset($data[$hook])) {
        $data[$hook] = array();
        foreach (module_implements('rules_' . $hook) as $module) {
            $result = call_user_func($module . '_rules_' . $hook);
            if (isset($result) && is_array($result)) {
                foreach ($result as $name => $item) {
                    $item += array(
                        'module' => $module,
                    $data[$hook][$name] = $item;
        // Support class discovery.
        if (isset($discover[$hook])) {
            $data[$hook] += rules_discover_plugins($discover[$hook]);
        drupal_alter('rules_' . $hook, $data[$hook]);
    return $data[$hook];