class RulesI18nStringController

Rules i18n integration controller.


Expanded class hierarchy of RulesI18nStringController

1 string reference to 'RulesI18nStringController'
rules_i18n_entity_info_alter in rules_i18n/rules_i18n.module
Implements hook_entity_info_alter().


rules_i18n/, line 11

View source
class RulesI18nStringController extends EntityDefaultI18nStringController {
     * Overridden to customize i18n object info.
     * @see EntityDefaultI18nStringController::hook_object_info()
    public function hook_object_info() {
        $info = parent::hook_object_info();
        $info['rules_config']['class'] = 'RulesI18nStringObjectWrapper';
        return $info;
     * Overridden to customize the used menu wildcard.
    protected function menuWildcard() {
        return '%rules_config';
     * Provide the menu base path. We can provide only one though.
    protected function menuBasePath() {
        return 'admin/config/workflow/rules/reaction';



Title Sort descending Modifiers Object type Summary
RulesI18nStringController::hook_object_info public function Overridden to customize i18n object info.
RulesI18nStringController::menuBasePath protected function Provide the menu base path. We can provide only one though.
RulesI18nStringController::menuWildcard protected function Overridden to customize the used menu wildcard.