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namespace Drupal\rules\Plugin\Condition;

use Drupal\rules\Core\RulesConditionBase;
use Drupal\rules\Exception\InvalidArgumentException;
use Drupal\user\UserInterface;

 * Provides a 'User has roles(s)' condition.
 * @todo Add access callback information from Drupal 7.
 * @Condition(
 *   id = "rules_user_has_role",
 *   label = @Translation("User has role(s)"),
 *   category = @Translation("User"),
 *   context_definitions = {
 *     "user" = @ContextDefinition("entity:user",
 *       label = @Translation("User"),
 *       description = @Translation("Specifies the user account to check."),
 *     ),
 *     "roles" = @ContextDefinition("entity:user_role",
 *       label = @Translation("Roles"),
 *       description = @Translation("Specifies the roles to check for."),
 *       multiple = TRUE,
 *       options_provider = "\Drupal\rules\TypedData\Options\RolesOptions"
 *     ),
 *     "operation" = @ContextDefinition("string",
 *       label = @Translation("Matching multiple roles"),
 *       description = @Translation("Specify if the user must have <em>all</em> the roles selected or <em>any</em> of the roles selected."),
 *       assignment_restriction = "input",
 *       default_value = "AND",
 *       options_provider = "\Drupal\rules\TypedData\Options\AndOrOptions",
 *       required = FALSE
 *     ),
 *   }
 * )
class UserHasRole extends RulesConditionBase {
     * Evaluate if user has role(s).
     * @param \Drupal\user\UserInterface $user
     *   The account to check.
     * @param \Drupal\user\RoleInterface[] $roles
     *   Array of user roles.
     * @param string $operation
     *   Either "AND": user has all of roles.
     *   Or "OR": user has at least one of all roles.
     *   Defaults to "AND".
     * @return bool
     *   TRUE if the user has the role(s).
    protected function doEvaluate(UserInterface $user, array $roles, $operation = 'AND') {
        $rids = array_map(function ($role) {
            return $role->id();
        }, $roles);
        switch (strtoupper($operation)) {
            case 'OR':
                return (bool) array_intersect($rids, $user->getRoles());
            case 'AND':
                return (bool) (!array_diff($rids, $user->getRoles()));
                throw new InvalidArgumentException('Either use "AND" or "OR". Leave empty for default "AND" behavior.');



Title Deprecated Summary
UserHasRole Provides a 'User has roles(s)' condition.