function rules_ui_element_token_list_validate

FAPI callback to validate a list of tokens.

2 string references to 'rules_ui_element_token_list_validate'
RulesDataUIListEntity::inputForm in ui/
Implements RulesDataDirectInputFormInterface::inputForm().
RulesDataUIListToken::inputForm in ui/
Implements RulesDataDirectInputFormInterface::inputForm().


ui/, line 903


function rules_ui_element_token_list_validate($element, &$form_state) {
    foreach ($element['#value'] as $value) {
        if ($value !== '' && !entity_property_verify_data_type($value, 'token')) {
            form_error($element, t('Each value may only contain lowercase letters, numbers, and underscores and has to start with a letter.'));