Search for ensure_my_table

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Title Object type File name Summary
views_handler::ensure_my_table function includes/ Ensure the main table for this handler is in the query. This is used
a lot.
views_handler_area_broken::ensure_my_table function handlers/ Ensure the main table for this handler is in the query. This is used
a lot.
views_handler_argument_broken::ensure_my_table function handlers/ Ensure the main table for this handler is in the query. This is used
a lot.
views_handler_argument_many_to_one::ensure_my_table function handlers/ Override ensure_my_table so we can control how this joins in.
The operator actually has influence over joining.
views_handler_field_broken::ensure_my_table function handlers/ Ensure the main table for this handler is in the query. This is used
a lot.
views_handler_filter_broken::ensure_my_table function handlers/ Ensure the main table for this handler is in the query. This is used
a lot.
views_handler_filter_many_to_one::ensure_my_table function handlers/ Override ensure_my_table so we can control how this joins in.
The operator actually has influence over joining.
views_handler_relationship_broken::ensure_my_table function handlers/ Ensure the main table for this handler is in the query. This is used
a lot.
views_handler_sort_broken::ensure_my_table function handlers/ Ensure the main table for this handler is in the query. This is used
a lot.
views_many_to_one_helper::ensure_my_table function includes/ Override ensure_my_table so we can control how this joins in.