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Title Object type File name Summary
views_plugin_display_extender::defaultable_sections function plugins/ Static member function to list which sections are defaultable
and what items each section contains.
views_plugin_display_feed::defaultable_sections function plugins/ List which sections are defaultable and what items each section contains.
views_plugin_query_default::$tables property plugins/ Holds an array of tables and counts added so that we can create aliases.
views_plugin_query_default::$table_queue property plugins/ A list of tables in the order they should be added, keyed by alias.
views_plugin_query_default::add_table function plugins/ Add a table to the query, ensuring the path exists.
views_plugin_query_default::ensure_table function plugins/ Ensure a table exists in the queue; if it already exists it won't do
anything, but if it doesn't it will add the table queue. It will ensure a
path leads back to the relationship table.
views_plugin_query_default::get_table_info function plugins/ Get the information associated with a table.
views_plugin_query_default::mark_table function plugins/
views_plugin_query_default::queue_table function plugins/ Add a table to the query without ensuring the path.
views_plugin_row_aggregator_rss::$base_table property modules/aggregator/
views_plugin_row_comment_rss::$base_table property modules/comment/
views_plugin_row_comment_view::$base_table property modules/comment/
views_plugin_row_node_rss::$base_table property modules/node/ Basic properties that let the row style follow relationships.
views_plugin_row_node_view::$base_table property modules/node/ Basic properties that let the row style follow relationships.
views_plugin_row_user_view::$base_table property modules/user/
views_plugin_style_table class plugins/ Style plugin to render each item as a row in a table. file plugins/ Definition of views_plugin_style_table.
views_plugin_style_table::$active property plugins/ Contains the current active sort column.
views_plugin_style_table::$order property plugins/ Contains the current active sort order, either desc or asc.
views_plugin_style_table::build_sort function plugins/ Determine if we should provide sorting based upon $_GET inputs.
views_plugin_style_table::build_sort_post function plugins/ Add our actual sort criteria.
views_plugin_style_table::even_empty function plugins/ Should the output of the style plugin be rendered even if it's empty.
views_plugin_style_table::options_form function plugins/ Render the given style.
views_plugin_style_table::option_definition function plugins/ Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here.
views_plugin_style_table::sanitize_columns function plugins/ Normalize a list of columns based upon the fields that are
available. This compares the fields stored in the style handler
to the list of fields actually in the view, removing fields that
have been removed and adding new fields in their own column.
views_translatable.test file tests/views_translatable.test Definition of ViewsTranslatableTest.
views_ui::tablesort_link function plugins/export_ui/views_ui.class.php
views_views_exportables function ./views.module Implements hook_views_exportables().