function views_handler_field_field::field_language

Return the language code of the language the field should be displayed in, according to the settings.

2 calls to views_handler_field_field::field_language()
views_handler_field_field::get_value in modules/field/
Get the value that's supposed to be rendered.
views_handler_field_field::set_items in modules/field/
Return an array of items for the field.


modules/field/, line 966


A field that displays fieldapi fields.


public function field_language($entity_type, $entity) {
    global $language_content;
    if (field_is_translatable($entity_type, $this->field_info)) {
        $default_language = language_default('language');
        $language = str_replace(array(
        ), array(
        ), $this->view->display_handler->options['field_language']);
        // Give the Field Language API a chance to fallback to a different
        // language (or LANGUAGE_NONE), in case the field has no data for the
        // selected language. field_view_field() does this as well, but since the
        // returned language code is used before calling it, the fallback needs
        // to happen explicitly.
        $language = field_language($entity_type, $entity, $this->field_info['field_name'], $language);
        return $language;
    else {
        return LANGUAGE_NONE;