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Title Object type File name Summary
CtoolsContextIDTestCase::getInfo function tests/context.test
CtoolsContextIDTestCase::getTestContexts function tests/context.test
CtoolsContextKeywordsSubstitutionTestCase::getInfo function tests/context.test
CtoolsContextUnitTestCase::getInfo function tests/context.test
CToolsCssCache::get function includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache.
CToolsCssCache::getMultiple function includes/ Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs.
CtoolsCSSObjectCache::getInfo function tests/css_cache.test
CtoolsCssTestCase::getInfo function tests/css.test
CtoolsExportCrudTestCase::getInfo function tests/ctools_export_test/ctools_export.test
CtoolsMathExpressionStackTestCase::getInfo function tests/math_expression_stack.test
CtoolsMathExpressionTestCase::getInfo function tests/math_expression.test
CtoolsModuleTestCase::getInfo function tests/ctools.test
CtoolsModuleTestCase::testGetUserRoles function tests/ctools.test Test that the (deprecated) getuserroles returns expected array.
CtoolsObjectCache::getInfo function tests/object_cache.test
CtoolsPageTokens class tests/page_tokens.test @file
Tests for different parts of the ctools object caching system.
CtoolsPageTokens::getInfo function tests/page_tokens.test
CtoolsPageTokens::setUp function tests/page_tokens.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
CtoolsPageTokens::testReplaceCallbackToken function tests/page_tokens.test Test that we can set page tokens.
CtoolsPageTokens::testReplaceVariableToken function tests/page_tokens.test Test that we can set page tokens.
CtoolsPageTokens::testSetPageToken function tests/page_tokens.test Test that we can set page tokens.
CtoolsPageTokens::testSetVariableToken function tests/page_tokens.test Test that we can set page tokens.
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase class tests/ctools.plugins.test Test menu links depending on user permissions.
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::assertPluginClass function tests/ctools.plugins.test Assert helper to check that a plugin can be loaded using a named class.
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::assertPluginFunction function tests/ctools.plugins.test Assert helper to check that a specific plugin function exists.
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::assertPluginMissingClass function tests/ctools.plugins.test Assert helper to check that a plugin DOES NOT contain the named class.
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::assertPluginMissingFunction function tests/ctools.plugins.test Assert helper to check that a specific plugin function does NOT exist.
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::getInfo function tests/ctools.plugins.test
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::setUp function tests/ctools.plugins.test Sets up a Drupal site for running functional and integration tests.
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::testPluginLoading function tests/ctools.plugins.test Test that plugins are loaded correctly.
CtoolsUnitObjectCachePlugins::getInfo function tests/object_cache_unit.test
ctools_access_get_loggedin_context function includes/ Create a context for the logged in user.
ctools_ajax_sample_cache_get function ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module Get the current object from the cache, or default.
ctools_argument_entity_id_get_child function plugins/arguments/
ctools_argument_entity_id_get_children function plugins/arguments/
ctools_cache_export_ui_cache_get function plugins/cache/
ctools_cache_get function includes/ Fetch data from an indirect cache.
ctools_cache_simple_cache_get function plugins/cache/
ctools_content_get_all_types function includes/ Get an array of all content types that can be fed into the
display editor for the add content list, regardless of
ctools_content_get_available_types function includes/ Get an array of all available content types that can be fed into the
display editor for the add content list.
ctools_content_get_defaults function includes/ Set up the default $conf for a new instance of a content type.
ctools_content_get_subtype function includes/ Given a content type and a subtype id, return the information about that
content subtype.
ctools_content_get_subtypes function includes/ Get all of the individual subtypes provided by a given content type. This
would be all of the blocks for the block type, or all of the views for
the view type.
ctools_context::get_argument function includes/ Return the argument.
ctools_context::get_identifier function includes/ Return the identifier.
ctools_context::get_keyword function includes/ Return the keyword.
ctools_context::get_original_argument function includes/ Return the value of argument (or arg) variable as it was passed in.
ctools_context::get_page_title function includes/ Return the page title.
ctools_context::get_title function includes/ Return the title.
ctools_context_entity_get_child function plugins/contexts/
ctools_context_entity_get_children function plugins/contexts/