function ctools_add_css

Include css files as necessary.

This helper function is used by ctools but can also be used in other modules in the same way as explained in the comments of ctools_include.


$file: The base file name to be included.

$module: Optional module containing the include.

$dir: Optional subdirectory containing the include file.

17 calls to ctools_add_css()
ctools_access_ruleset_ui::edit_form_context in ctools_access_ruleset/plugins/export_ui/ctools_access_ruleset_ui.class.php
ctools_ajax_sample_page in ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module
Page callback to display links and render a container for AJAX stuff.
ctools_export_ui::list_css in plugins/export_ui/ctools_export_ui.class.php
Add listing CSS to the page.
ctools_init in ./ctools.module
Implement hook_init to keep our global CSS at the ready.
ctools_modal_add_js in includes/
@file Implement a modal form using AJAX.

... See full list


./ctools.module, line 202


function ctools_add_css($file, $module = 'ctools', $dir = 'css') {
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', $module) . "/{$dir}/{$file}.css");