function ctools_set_callback_token

Set a replacement token from the value of a function during #post_render.

This function can be used like this: $token = ctools_set_callback_token('id', 'mymodule_myfunction');

Or this (from its use in ctools_page_title_content_type_render): $token = ctools_set_callback_token('title', array( 'ctools_page_title_content_type_token', $conf['markup'], $conf['id'], $conf['class'] ) );

The token (e.g: "<!-- ctools-page-id-1b7f84d1c8851290cc342631ac663053 -->") would then be replaced during post-render by the return value of:

ctools_page_title_content_type_token($value_markup, $value_id, $value_class);


string $token: The token string for the page callback, e.g. 'title'.

string|array $callback: For callback functions that require no args, the name of the function as a string; otherwise an array of two or more elements: the function name followed by one or more function arguments.

NB: the value of $callback must be a procedural (non-class) function that passes the php function_exists() check.

The callback function itself will be called with args dependent on $callback. If:

  • $callback is a string, the function is called with a reference to the render array;
  • $callback is an array, the function is called with $callback merged with an array containing a reference to the render array.

Return value

string The constructed token.

See also



2 calls to ctools_set_callback_token()
CtoolsPageTokens::testReplaceCallbackToken in tests/page_tokens.test
Test that we can set page tokens.
ctools_page_title_content_type_render in plugins/content_types/page/
Output function for the 'page_title' content type.


./ctools.module, line 450


function ctools_set_callback_token($token, $callback) {
    // If the callback uses arguments they are considered in the token.
    if (is_array($callback)) {
        $token .= '-' . md5(serialize($callback));
    $string = '<!-- ctools-page-' . $token . ' -->';
    ctools_set_page_token($string, 'callback', $callback);
    return $string;