function ctools_set_no_blocks

Tell CTools that sidebar blocks should not be rendered.

It is often desirable to not display sidebars when rendering a page, particularly when using Panels. This informs CTools to alter out any sidebar regions during block render.

1 call to ctools_set_no_blocks()
ctools_context_handler_render_handler in includes/
Render a task handler.
2 string references to 'ctools_set_no_blocks'
ctools_block_list_alter in ./ctools.module
Implements hook_block_list_alter().
ctools_page_alter in ./ctools.module
Implements hook_page_alter().


./ctools.module, line 467


function ctools_set_no_blocks($blocks = FALSE) {
    $status =& drupal_static(__FUNCTION__, TRUE);
    $status = $blocks;