simplecontext_convert |
ctools_plugin_example/plugins/contexts/ |
Convert a context into a string to be used as a keyword by content types, etc. |
1 |
simplecontext_convert_list |
ctools_plugin_example/plugins/contexts/ |
Provide a list of sub-keywords. |
1 |
simplecontext_settings_form |
ctools_plugin_example/plugins/contexts/ |
1 |
statistics_ctools_block_info |
plugins/content_types/block/ |
stylizer_ctools_plugin_directory |
stylizer/stylizer.module |
Implementation of hook_ctools_plugin_directory() to let the system know
we implement task and task_handler plugins. |
stylizer_ctools_plugin_type |
stylizer/stylizer.module |
Implements hook_ctools_plugin_type() to inform the plugin system that
Stylizer style_base plugin types. |
stylizer_panels_dashboard_blocks |
stylizer/stylizer.module |
Implementation of hook_panels_dashboard_blocks(). |
stylizer_permission |
stylizer/stylizer.module |
Implements hook_permission() |
stylizer_schema |
stylizer/stylizer.install |
Schema for stylizer. |
stylizer_schema_1 |
stylizer/stylizer.install |
1 |
stylizer_theme |
stylizer/stylizer.module |
Implementation of hook_theme to load all content plugins and pass thru if
necessary. |
system_ctools_block_info |
plugins/content_types/block/ |
template_preprocess_page_manager_edit_page |
page_manager/theme/ |
Preprocess the page manager edit page. |
term_depth_ctools_plugin_directory |
term_depth/term_depth.module |
@file |
term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_check |
term_depth/plugins/access/ |
Check for access. |
1 |
term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_settings |
term_depth/plugins/access/ |
Settings form for the 'term depth' access plugin. |
1 |
term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_settings_submit |
term_depth/plugins/access/ |
Submit function for the access plugins settings. |
1 |
term_depth_term_depth_ctools_access_summary |
term_depth/plugins/access/ |
Provide a summary description based upon the checked terms. |
1 |
test_ctools_page_callback_token |
tests/page_tokens.test |
1 |
theme_ctools_access_admin_add |
includes/ |
Theme the 'add' portion of the access form into a table. |
theme_ctools_ajax_sample_container |
ctools_ajax_sample/ctools_ajax_sample.module |
Theme function for main rendered output. |
theme_ctools_collapsible |
includes/ |
Render a collapsible div. |
theme_ctools_collapsible_remembered |
includes/ |
Render a collapsible div whose state will be remembered. |
theme_ctools_context_item_form |
includes/ |
Display the context item. |
theme_ctools_context_item_row |
includes/ |
Theme the form item for the context entry. |
theme_ctools_context_list |
includes/ |
Create a visible list of all the contexts available on an object.
Assumes arguments, relationships and context objects. |
theme_ctools_context_list_no_table |
includes/ |
The ctools_context_list() function but not in a table format because
tabledrag won't let us have tables within tables and still drag. |
theme_ctools_dropdown |
includes/ |
Create a dropdown menu. |
theme_ctools_menu_local_actions_wrapper |
includes/ |
Render a menu local actions wrapper. |
theme_ctools_style_icon |
includes/ |
Theme the style icon image |
theme_ctools_stylizer_color_scheme_form |
includes/ |
Theme the stylizer color scheme form. |
theme_ctools_stylizer_preview_form |
includes/ |
Theme the stylizer preview form. |
theme_ctools_wizard_trail |
includes/ |
Themable display of the 'breadcrumb' trail to show the order of the forms. |
theme_links__ctools_dropbutton |
includes/ |
Create a dropbutton menu. |
theme_page_manager_changed |
page_manager/theme/ |
Draw the "you have unsaved changes and this task is locked." message. |
theme_page_manager_handler_rearrange |
page_manager/theme/ |
Turn the rearrange form into a table with tablesorting on. |
theme_page_manager_lock |
page_manager/theme/ |
Draw the "this task is locked from editing" box. |
theme_page_manager_page_form_argument_table |
page_manager/plugins/tasks/ |
Theme the table for this form. |
user_ctools_block_info |
plugins/content_types/block/ |
views_content_admin_form |
views_content/views_content.module |
1 |
1 |
views_content_admin_page |
views_content/views_content.module |
Page callback to provide the basic administration form. |
1 |
views_content_context_get_output |
views_content/views_content.module |
API function to get the view. |
12 |
views_content_context_get_view |
views_content/views_content.module |
API function to get the view. |
7 |
views_content_context_view_convert |
views_content/plugins/contexts/ |
Convert a context into a string. |
views_content_context_view_convert_list |
views_content/plugins/contexts/ |
Provide a list of ways that this context can be converted to a string. |
views_content_context_view_create |
views_content/plugins/contexts/ |
2 |
views_content_context_view_get_child |
views_content/plugins/contexts/ |
1 |
views_content_context_view_get_children |
views_content/plugins/contexts/ |
1 |
views_content_context_view_settings_form |
views_content/plugins/contexts/ |
1 |
views_content_context_view_settings_form_validate |
views_content/plugins/contexts/ |
Validate a node. |
1 |