function _ctools_process_data

Fill in default values and run hooks for data loaded for one or more plugins.

2 calls to _ctools_process_data()
ctools_plugin_process in includes/
Process a single hook implementation of a ctools plugin.
ctools_plugin_process_info in includes/
Process an info file for plugin information, rather than a hook.


includes/, line 710


function _ctools_process_data($result, $plugin_type_info, $module, $path, $file) {
    // Fill in global defaults.
    foreach ($result as $name => $plugin) {
        $result[$name] += array(
            'module' => $module,
            'name' => $name,
            'path' => $path,
            'file' => $file,
            'plugin module' => $plugin_type_info['module'],
            'plugin type' => $plugin_type_info['type'],
        // Fill in plugin-specific defaults, if they exist.
        if (!empty($plugin_type_info['defaults'])) {
            if (is_array($plugin_type_info['defaults'])) {
                $result[$name] += $plugin_type_info['defaults'];
        // Allow the plugin to be altered before processing.
        if (!empty($plugin_type_info['alterable']) && $plugin_type_info['alterable']) {
            drupal_alter('ctools_plugin_pre', $result[$name], $plugin_type_info);
        // Allow the plugin owner to do additional processing.
        if (!empty($plugin_type_info['process']) && ($function = ctools_plugin_get_function($plugin_type_info, 'process'))) {
            $function($result[$name], $plugin_type_info);
        // Allow the plugin to be altered after processing.
        if (!empty($plugin_type_info['alterable']) && $plugin_type_info['alterable']) {
            drupal_alter('ctools_plugin_post', $result[$name], $plugin_type_info);
    return $result;