function ctools_plugin_process_info

Process an info file for plugin information, rather than a hook.


array $info: The $info array about the plugin as returned by ctools_plugin_get_info()

string $module: The module that implements the plugin being processed.

object $file: An object containing 'uri' and 'name' properties. 'uri' is the name of the 'info' file to process. 'name' is the plugin key-name.

Return value

null|array NULL on failure, otherwise an array containing the results keyed by name.

1 call to ctools_plugin_process_info()
ctools_plugin_load_includes in includes/
Load plugins from a directory.


includes/, line 761


function ctools_plugin_process_info($info, $module, $file) {
    $result = drupal_parse_info_file($file->uri);
    if ($result) {
        $result = array(
            $file->name => $result,
        return _ctools_process_data($result, $info, $module, dirname($file->uri), basename($file->uri));