function ctools_plugin_get_class

Get a class from a plugin, if it exists. If the plugin is not already loaded, try ctools_plugin_load_class() instead.


$plugin_definition: The loaded plugin type.

$class_name: The identifier of the class. For example, 'handler'.

Return value

string The actual name of the class to call, or NULL if the class does not exist.

2 calls to ctools_plugin_get_class()
ctools_export_ui_get_handler in includes/
Get the class to handle creating a list of exportable items.
ctools_plugin_load_class in includes/
Load a plugin and get a class name from it, returning success only if the class exists.


includes/, line 859


function ctools_plugin_get_class($plugin_definition, $class_name) {
    // If cached the .inc file may not have been loaded. require_once is quite safe
    // and fast so it's okay to keep calling it.
    if (isset($plugin_definition['file'])) {
        // Plugins that are loaded from info files have the info file as
        // $plugin['file'].  Don't try to run those.
        $info = ctools_plugin_get_info($plugin_definition['plugin module'], $plugin_definition['plugin type']);
        if (empty($info['info file'])) {
            require_once DRUPAL_ROOT . '/' . $plugin_definition['path'] . '/' . $plugin_definition['file'];
    $return = FALSE;
    if (!isset($plugin_definition[$class_name])) {
    elseif (is_string($plugin_definition[$class_name])) {
        // Plugin uses the string form shorthand.
        $return = $plugin_definition[$class_name];
    elseif (isset($plugin_definition[$class_name]['class'])) {
        // Plugin uses the verbose array form.
        $return = $plugin_definition[$class_name]['class'];
    // @todo consider adding an else {watchdog(...)} here
    return $return && class_exists($return) ? $return : NULL;