function ctools_plugin_load_class

Load a plugin and get a class name from it, returning success only if the class exists.


$module: The module that owns the plugin type.

$type: The type of plugin.

$id: The id of the specific plugin to load.

$class_name: The identifier of the class. For example, 'handler'.

Return value

string The actual name of the class to call, or NULL if the class does not exist.

2 calls to ctools_plugin_load_class()
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::assertPluginClass in tests/ctools.plugins.test
Assert helper to check that a plugin can be loaded using a named class.
CtoolsPluginsGetInfoTestCase::assertPluginMissingClass in tests/ctools.plugins.test
Assert helper to check that a plugin DOES NOT contain the named class.


includes/, line 904


function ctools_plugin_load_class($module, $type, $id, $class_name) {
    $plugin = ctools_get_plugins($module, $type, $id);
    return ctools_plugin_get_class($plugin, $class_name);