
Same filename in other branches
  1. 4.0.x modules/ctools_views/src/Plugin/Display/Block.php





View source

namespace Drupal\ctools_views\Plugin\Display;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\Element\EntityAutocomplete;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormState;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Render\Element;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\Block\ViewsBlock;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\Block as CoreBlock;
use Drupal\views\Plugin\views\HandlerBase;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;

 * Provides a Block display plugin.
 * Allows for greater control over Views block settings.
class Block extends CoreBlock {
     * The views filter plugin manager.
     * @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\ViewsHandlerManager
    protected $filterManager;
     * The current request.
     * @var \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request
    protected $request;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function create(ContainerInterface $container, array $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition) {
         * @var \Drupal\ctools_views\Plugin\Display\Block
        $instance = parent::create($container, $configuration, $plugin_id, $plugin_definition);
        $instance->filterManager = $container->get('plugin.manager.views.filter');
        $instance->request = $container->get('request_stack')
        return $instance;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function blockSettings(array $settings) {
        $settings = parent::blockSettings($settings);
        $settings['exposed'] = [];
        return $settings;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function optionsSummary(&$categories, &$options) {
        parent::optionsSummary($categories, $options);
        $filtered_allow = array_filter($this->getOption('allow'));
        $filter_options = [
            'items_per_page' => $this->t('Items per page'),
            'offset' => $this->t('Pager offset'),
            'pager' => $this->t('Pager type'),
            'hide_fields' => $this->t('Hide fields'),
            'sort_fields' => $this->t('Reorder fields'),
            'configure_filters' => $this->t('Configure filters'),
            'disable_filters' => $this->t('Disable filters'),
            'configure_sorts' => $this->t('Configure sorts'),
        $filter_intersect = array_intersect_key($filter_options, $filtered_allow);
        $options['allow'] = [
            'category' => 'block',
            'title' => $this->t('Allow settings'),
            'value' => empty($filtered_allow) ? $this->t('None') : implode(', ', $filter_intersect),
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function buildOptionsForm(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
        parent::buildOptionsForm($form, $form_state);
        $form['allow']['#options']['offset'] = $this->t('Pager offset');
        $form['allow']['#options']['pager'] = $this->t('Pager type');
        $form['allow']['#options']['hide_fields'] = $this->t('Hide fields');
        $form['allow']['#options']['sort_fields'] = $this->t('Reorder fields');
        $form['allow']['#options']['configure_filters'] = $this->t('Configure filters');
        $form['allow']['#options']['disable_filters'] = $this->t('Disable filters');
        $form['allow']['#options']['configure_sorts'] = $this->t('Configure sorts');
        $defaults = [];
        if (!empty($form['allow']['#default_value'])) {
            $defaults = array_filter($form['allow']['#default_value']);
            if (!empty($defaults['items_per_page'])) {
                $defaults['items_per_page'] = 'items_per_page';
        $form['allow']['#default_value'] = $defaults;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function blockForm(ViewsBlock $block, array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
        $form = parent::blockForm($block, $form, $form_state);
        $allow_settings = array_filter($this->getOption('allow'));
        $block_configuration = $block->getConfiguration();
        // Modify "Items per page" block settings form.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['items_per_page'])) {
            // Items per page.
            $form['override']['items_per_page']['#type'] = 'number';
            $form['override']['items_per_page']['#min'] = 0;
        // Provide "Pager offset" block settings form.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['offset'])) {
            $form['override']['pager_offset'] = [
                '#type' => 'number',
                '#title' => $this->t('Pager offset'),
                '#default_value' => $block_configuration['pager_offset'] ?? 0,
                '#description' => $this->t('For example, set this to 3 and the first 3 items will not be displayed.'),
        // Provide "Pager type" block settings form.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['pager'])) {
            $pager_options = [
                'view' => $this->t('Inherit from view'),
                'some' => $this->t('Display a specified number of items'),
                'none' => $this->t('Display all items'),
            $form['override']['pager'] = [
                '#type' => 'radios',
                '#title' => $this->t('Pager'),
                '#options' => $pager_options,
                '#default_value' => $block_configuration['pager'] ?? 'view',
        // Provide "Hide fields" / "Reorder fields" block settings form.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['hide_fields']) || !empty($allow_settings['sort_fields'])) {
            // Set up the configuration table for hiding / sorting fields.
            $fields = $this->getHandlers('field');
            $header = [];
            if (!empty($allow_settings['hide_fields'])) {
                $header['hide'] = $this->t('Hide');
            $header['label'] = $this->t('Label');
            if (!empty($allow_settings['sort_fields'])) {
                $header['weight'] = $this->t('Weight');
            $form['override']['order_fields'] = [
                '#type' => 'table',
                '#header' => $header,
                '#rows' => [],
            if (!empty($allow_settings['sort_fields'])) {
                $form['override']['order_fields']['#tabledrag'] = [
                        'action' => 'order',
                        'relationship' => 'sibling',
                        'group' => 'field-weight',
                $form['override']['order_fields']['#attributes'] = [
                    'id' => 'order-fields',
            // Sort available field plugins by their currently configured weight.
            $sorted_fields = [];
            if (!empty($allow_settings['sort_fields']) && isset($block_configuration['fields'])) {
                uasort($block_configuration['fields'], '\\Drupal\\ctools_views\\Plugin\\Display\\Block::sortFieldsByWeight');
                foreach (array_keys($block_configuration['fields']) as $field_name) {
                    if (!empty($fields[$field_name])) {
                        $sorted_fields[$field_name] = $fields[$field_name];
                if (!empty($fields)) {
                    foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field_info) {
                        $sorted_fields[$field_name] = $field_info;
            else {
                $sorted_fields = $fields;
            // Add each field to the configuration table.
            foreach ($sorted_fields as $field_name => $plugin) {
                $field_label = $plugin->adminLabel();
                if (!empty($plugin->options['label'])) {
                    $field_label .= ' (' . $plugin->options['label'] . ')';
                if (!empty($allow_settings['sort_fields'])) {
                    $form['override']['order_fields'][$field_name]['#attributes']['class'][] = 'draggable';
                $form['override']['order_fields'][$field_name]['#weight'] = !empty($block_configuration['fields'][$field_name]['weight']) ? $block_configuration['fields'][$field_name]['weight'] : 0;
                if (!empty($allow_settings['hide_fields'])) {
                    $form['override']['order_fields'][$field_name]['hide'] = [
                        '#type' => 'checkbox',
                        '#default_value' => !empty($block_configuration['fields'][$field_name]['hide']) ? $block_configuration['fields'][$field_name]['hide'] : 0,
                $form['override']['order_fields'][$field_name]['label'] = [
                    '#markup' => $field_label,
                if (!empty($allow_settings['sort_fields'])) {
                    $form['override']['order_fields'][$field_name]['weight'] = [
                        '#type' => 'weight',
                        '#title' => $this->t('Weight for @title', [
                            '@title' => $field_label,
                        '#title_display' => 'invisible',
                        '#delta' => 50,
                        '#default_value' => !empty($block_configuration['fields'][$field_name]['weight']) ? $block_configuration['fields'][$field_name]['weight'] : 0,
                        '#attributes' => [
                            'class' => [
        // Provide "Configure filters" form elements.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['configure_filters'])) {
            $view_exposed_input = $block_configuration['exposed'];
            foreach ($block_configuration['exposed'] as $inner_input) {
                $view_exposed_input += $inner_input;
            $exposed_form_state = new FormState();
            $exposed_form_state->set('view', $this->view);
            $exposed_form_state->set('display', $this->view->current_display);
            // Let form plugins know this is for exposed widgets.
            $exposed_form_state->set('exposed', TRUE);
            $exposed_form = [];
            $exposed_form['#info'] = [];
            // Initialize filter and sort handlers so that the exposed form alter
            // method works as expected.
            $this->view->filter = $this->getHandlers('filter');
            $this->view->sort = $this->getHandlers('sort');
            $form['exposed'] = [
                '#tree' => TRUE,
                '#title' => $this->t('Exposed filter values'),
                '#description' => $this->t('If a value is set for an exposed filter, it will be removed from the block display.'),
                '#type' => 'details',
                '#open' => TRUE,
            // Go through each handler and let it generate its exposed widget.
            /** @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\ViewsHandlerInterface $handler */
            foreach ($this->view
                ->getHandlers('filter') as $id => $handler) {
                // If the current handler is exposed...
                if ($handler->canExpose() && $handler->isExposed()) {
                    $filter_key = "filter-{$id}";
                    // Create a panel for the exposed handler.
                    $form['exposed'][$filter_key] = [
                        '#type' => 'item',
                        '#id' => Html::getUniqueId('views-exposed-pane'),
                    $info = $handler->exposedInfo();
                    // @todo This can result in double titles for group filters.
                    if (!empty($info['label'])) {
                        $form['exposed'][$filter_key]['#title'] = $info['label'];
                    // If the current filter has a value saved in block configuration...
                    if (isset($block_configuration['exposed'][$filter_key])) {
                        $identifier = $handler->options['expose']['identifier'];
                        $this->mapConfigToHandler($handler, $block_configuration['exposed'][$filter_key]);
                    // Grouped exposed filters have their own forms. Instead of rendering
                    // the standard exposed form, a new Select or Radio form field is
                    // rendered with the available groups. When a user chooses an option
                    // the selected value is split into the operator and value that the
                    // item represents.
                    if ($handler->isAGroup()) {
                        $handler->groupForm($form['exposed'][$filter_key], $exposed_form_state);
                        $id = $handler->options['group_info']['identifier'];
                    else {
                        $handler->buildExposedForm($form['exposed'][$filter_key], $exposed_form_state);
                        $form_field_present = isset($form['exposed'][$filter_key][$id]);
                        $block_config_present = isset($block_configuration['exposed'][$filter_key]);
                        $form_field_type = $form_field_present ? $form['exposed'][$filter_key][$id]['#type'] : FALSE;
                        $filter_plugin_id = $block_config_present ? $block_configuration['exposed'][$filter_key]['plugin_id'] : FALSE;
                        if ($form_field_present && $block_config_present) {
                            if ($form_field_type == 'select') {
                                // Single-value select elements get their default value set to
                                // 'All' in buildExposedForm(), when that option is added, so set
                                // thir defaults manually.
                                $form['exposed'][$filter_key][$id]['#default_value'] = $block_configuration['exposed'][$filter_key]['value'] ?? NULL;
                            else {
                                if ($form_field_type == 'entity_autocomplete' && $filter_plugin_id == 'taxonomy_index_tid') {
                                    // Entity reference autocomplete fields need their values
                                    // converted back to a string for the textfield input.
                                    $terms = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('taxonomy_term')
                                    $form['exposed'][$filter_key][$id]['#default_value'] = EntityAutocomplete::getEntityLabels($terms);
                    $form['exposed'][$filter_key]['exposed'] = [
                        '#type' => 'checkbox',
                        '#title' => $this->t('Expose filter value to user'),
                        '#description' => $this->t('Expose this filter value to visitors? If so, the value set here will be the default.'),
                        '#default_value' => $block_configuration['exposed'][$filter_key]['exposed'] ?? FALSE,
                    $handler_use_operator = !empty($handler->options['expose']['use_operator']);
                    // If ''use_operator' is tru on the handler, let the admin decide to
                    // expose it to the user.
                    if ($handler_use_operator) {
                        $form['exposed'][$filter_key]['use_operator'] = [
                            '#type' => 'checkbox',
                            '#title' => $this->t('Expose filter operator to user'),
                            '#description' => $this->t("Expose this filter's operator to visitors? If so, the operator set here will be the default."),
                            '#default_value' => $block_configuration['exposed'][$filter_key]['expose']['use_operator'] ?? $handler_use_operator,
                            '#states' => [
                                // Hide the operator form element until the value is exposed.
'invisible' => [
                                    ':input[name="settings[exposed][' . $filter_key . '][exposed]"]' => [
                                        'checked' => FALSE,
                    if ($info) {
                        $exposed_form['#info'][$filter_key] = $info;
            // If there are no exposed filters, then we don't need the parent element.
            if (!count(Element::children($form['exposed']))) {
        if (!empty($allow_settings['disable_filters'])) {
            $filters = $this->getHandlers('filter');
            // Add a settings form for each exposed filter to configure or hide it.
            foreach ($filters as $filter_name => $plugin) {
                if ($plugin->isExposed() && ($exposed_info = $plugin->exposedInfo())) {
                    // Render "Disable filters" settings form.
                    if (!empty($allow_settings['disable_filters'])) {
                        $form['override']['filters'][$filter_name]['disable'] = [
                            '#type' => 'checkbox',
                            '#title' => $this->t('Disable filter: @handler', [
                                '@handler' => $plugin->options['expose']['label'],
                            '#default_value' => !empty($block_configuration['filter'][$filter_name]['disable']) ? $block_configuration['filter'][$filter_name]['disable'] : 0,
        // Provide "Configure sorts" block settings form.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['configure_sorts'])) {
            $sorts = $this->getHandlers('sort');
            $options = [
                'ASC' => $this->t('Sort ascending'),
                'DESC' => $this->t('Sort descending'),
            foreach ($sorts as $sort_name => $plugin) {
                $form['override']['sort'][$sort_name] = [
                    '#type' => 'details',
                    '#title' => $plugin->adminLabel(),
                $form['override']['sort'][$sort_name]['plugin'] = [
                    '#type' => 'value',
                    '#value' => $plugin,
                $form['override']['sort'][$sort_name]['order'] = [
                    '#title' => $this->t('Order'),
                    '#type' => 'radios',
                    '#options' => $options,
                    '#default_value' => $plugin->options['order'],
                // Set default values for sorts for this block.
                if (!empty($block_configuration["sort"][$sort_name])) {
                    $form['override']['sort'][$sort_name]['order']['#default_value'] = $block_configuration["sort"][$sort_name];
        return $form;
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function blockValidate(ViewsBlock $block, array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
        // Checkout validateOptionsForm on filters before saving this.
        if ($form_state->hasValue('exposed')) {
            $handlers = $this->view
            $values = $form_state->getValue('exposed');
            foreach ($handlers as $key => $handler) {
                if ($handler->isExposed()) {
                    $identifier = $handler->options['expose']['identifier'];
                    $handler_form_state = new FormState();
                    $handler->validateExposed($form, $handler_form_state);
                     * Select list doesn't change validated_exposed_input value
                     * when "All" is selected.
                    // @todo Determine whether this is actually necessary or not.
                    if (isset($handler->options['type']) && $handler->options['type'] === 'select') {
                        if ($values['filter-' . $key][$identifier] === 'All') {
                            $handler->validated_exposed_input = NULL;
                    foreach ($handler_form_state->getErrors() as $name => $message) {
                        $form_state->setErrorByName($name, $message);
                    // Overwrite the value with its validated counterpart, if one exists.
                    if (property_exists($handler, 'validated_exposed_input')) {
                        ], [
                            $identifier => $handler->validated_exposed_input,
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function blockSubmit(ViewsBlock $block, $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
        // Set default value for items_per_page if left blank.
        if (empty($form_state->getValue([
        ]))) {
            ], "none");
        parent::blockSubmit($block, $form, $form_state);
        $configuration = $block->getConfiguration();
        $allow_settings = array_filter($this->getOption('allow'));
        // Save "Pager type" settings to block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['pager'])) {
            if ($pager = $form_state->getValue([
            ])) {
                $configuration['pager'] = $pager;
        // Save "Pager offset" settings to block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['offset'])) {
            $configuration['pager_offset'] = $form_state->getValue([
        // Save "Hide fields" / "Reorder fields" settings to block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['hide_fields']) || !empty($allow_settings['sort_fields'])) {
            if ($fields = array_filter($form_state->getValue([
            ]))) {
                uasort($fields, '\\Drupal\\ctools_views\\Plugin\\Display\\Block::sortFieldsByWeight');
                $configuration['fields'] = $fields;
        // Save "Configure filters" / "Disable filters" settings to block
        // configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['configure_filters'])) {
            // Store the validated and raw exposed filters.
            $handlers = $this->view
            // Map form values back to views_field type data.
            $values = $form_state->getValue('exposed');
            foreach ($handlers as $key => $handler) {
                if ($handler->canExpose() && $handler->isExposed()) {
                    $identifier = $handler->options['expose']['identifier'];
                    $config_key = "filter-{$key}";
                    if (isset($values[$config_key])) {
                        // Save values from generated form/values array, which may or may
                        // not use a wrapper.
                        $wrapper = !empty($values[$config_key][$identifier . '_wrapper']) ? $identifier . '_wrapper' : FALSE;
                        if ($wrapper) {
                            $configuration['exposed'][$config_key] = $this->extractExposedValues($handler, $form['settings']['exposed'][$config_key][$wrapper], $values[$config_key][$wrapper]);
                        else {
                            $configuration['exposed'][$config_key] = $this->extractExposedValues($handler, $form['settings']['exposed'][$config_key], $values[$config_key]);
                        $configuration['exposed'][$config_key]['plugin_id'] = $handler->getPluginId();
                        $configuration['exposed'][$config_key]['exposed'] = $values[$config_key]['exposed'];
                        if ($values[$config_key]['exposed'] && isset($values[$config_key]['use_operator'])) {
                            $configuration['exposed'][$config_key]['expose']['use_operator'] = $values[$config_key]['use_operator'];
                        else {
                            $configuration['exposed'][$config_key]['expose']['use_operator'] = FALSE;
        if (!empty($allow_settings['disable_filters'])) {
            if ($filters = $form_state->getValue([
            ])) {
                foreach ($filters as $filter_name => $filter) {
                    $disable = $filter['disable'];
                    if ($disable) {
                        $configuration['filter'][$filter_name]['disable'] = $disable;
        // Save "Configure sorts" settings to block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['configure_sorts'])) {
            $sorts = $form_state->getValue([
            foreach ($sorts as $sort_name => $sort) {
                $plugin = $sort['plugin'];
                // Check if we want to override the default sort order.
                if ($plugin->options['order'] != $sort['order']) {
                    $configuration['sort'][$sort_name] = $sort['order'];
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function preBlockBuild(ViewsBlock $block) {
        $allow_settings = array_filter($this->getOption('allow'));
        $config = $block->getConfiguration();
        ] = explode('-', $block->getDerivativeId(), 2);
        // Change pager offset settings based on block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['offset']) && isset($config['pager_offset'])) {
        // Change pager style settings based on block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['pager'])) {
            $pager = $this->view->display_handler
            if (!empty($config['pager']) && $config['pager'] != 'view') {
                $pager['type'] = $config['pager'];
                ->setOption('pager', $pager);
        // Change fields output based on block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['hide_fields']) || !empty($allow_settings['sort_fields'])) {
            if (!empty($config['fields']) && $this->view
                ->usesFields()) {
                $fields = $this->view
                uasort($config['fields'], '\\Drupal\\ctools_views\\Plugin\\Display\\Block::sortFieldsByWeight');
                $iterate_fields = !empty($allow_settings['sort_fields']) ? $config['fields'] : $fields;
                foreach (array_keys($iterate_fields) as $field_name) {
                    // Remove each field in sequence and re-add them to sort
                    // appropriately or hide if disabled.
                        ->removeHandler($display_id, 'field', $field_name);
                    if (empty($allow_settings['hide_fields']) || !empty($allow_settings['hide_fields']) && empty($config['fields'][$field_name]['hide'])) {
                            ->addHandler($display_id, 'field', $fields[$field_name]['table'], $fields[$field_name]['field'], $fields[$field_name], $field_name);
        // Change filters output based on block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['disable_filters'])) {
            $filters = $this->view
                ->getHandlers('filter', $display_id);
            foreach ($filters as $filter_name => $filter) {
                // If we allow disabled filters and this filter is disabled, disable it
                // and continue.
                if (!empty($allow_settings['disable_filters']) && !empty($config["filter"][$filter_name]['disable'])) {
                        ->removeHandler($display_id, 'filter', $filter_name);
                    // We don't want to needlessly set filter options later.
                    unset($config['exposed']['filter-' . $filter_name]);
        // Set an exposed filter value and remove it from the display if set in the
        // block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['configure_filters'])) {
            // Fetch the current view's exposed filter input from the client request.
            $exposed = $this->view
            $denylisted_keys = [
            // Filter the exposed filter input to contain only expected keys.
            $exposed = array_filter($exposed, function ($key) use ($denylisted_keys) {
                // Filter out certain keys not related to exposed filters that are
                // known to cause issues.
                return !in_array($key, $denylisted_keys, TRUE);
            }, ARRAY_FILTER_USE_KEY);
            // Loop over the exposed filter settings in the block configuration.
            foreach ($config['exposed'] as $key => $value) {
                // Load the handler related to the exposed filter.
                ] = explode('-', $key, 2);
                $handler = $this->view
                    ->getHandler($handler_type, $handler_name);
                // Set exposed filter input directly where they were entered in the
                // block configuration. Otherwise only set them if they haven't been set
                // already.
                if ($handler) {
                    if ($handler->isAGroup()) {
                        $this->mapConfigToHandler($handler, $value);
                    else {
                        // Access values with the identifier.
                        $identifier = $handler->options['expose']['identifier'];
                        // If the value is set from exposed form input, keep it.
                        if (!isset($exposed[$identifier])) {
                            // Entity reference autocomplete fields need their values
                            // submitted either as an array of entities or of arrays in the
                            // form ['target_id' => $id].
                            if (isset($config['exposed'][$key]['type']) && $config['exposed'][$key]['type'] == 'entity_autocomplete') {
                                $exposed[$identifier] = array_map(function ($item) {
                                    return [
                                        'target_id' => $item,
                                }, $value['value']);
                            elseif (isset($value['value']['value'])) {
                                $exposed[$identifier] = $value['value']['value'];
                            else {
                                $exposed[$identifier] = $value['value'] ?? NULL;
                        // If the operator is set from exposed form input, keep it.
                        if ($handler->options['expose']['use_operator']) {
                            $operator_id = $handler->options['expose']['operator_id'];
                            if (!isset($exposed[$operator_id])) {
                                $exposed[$operator_id] = $value['operator'];
                    // If the filter is exposed, set a variable to pass that through.
                    if (isset($config['exposed'][$key]['exposed']) && $config['exposed'][$key]['exposed']) {
                        $handler->options['value_exposed_to_user'] = TRUE;
                        // If the operator is exposed, set a variable to pass that through.
                        if ($config['exposed'][$key]['expose']['use_operator']) {
                            $handler->options['operator_exposed_to_user'] = TRUE;
            // Set the updated exposed filter input array on the View.
        // Change sorts based on block configuration.
        if (!empty($allow_settings['configure_sorts'])) {
            $sorts = $this->view
                ->getHandlers('sort', $display_id);
            foreach ($sorts as $sort_name => $sort) {
                if (!empty($config["sort"][$sort_name])) {
                    $sort['order'] = $config["sort"][$sort_name];
                        ->setHandler($display_id, 'sort', $sort_name, $sort);
     * Filter options value.
    protected function getFilterOptionsValue(array $filter, array $config) {
        $plugin_definition = $this->filterManager
        if (is_subclass_of($plugin_definition['class'], '\\Drupal\\views\\Plugin\\views\\filter\\InOperator')) {
            return array_values($config['value']);
        return $config['value'][$filter['expose']['identifier']];
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function usesExposed() {
        $filters = $this->getHandlers('filter');
        foreach ($filters as $filter) {
            if ($filter->isExposed() && !empty($filter->exposedInfo())) {
                return TRUE;
        return parent::usesExposed();
     * Exposed widgets.
     * Exposed widgets typically only work with ajax in Drupal core, however
     * #2605218 totally breaks the rest of the functionality in this display and
     * in Core's Block display as well, so we allow non-ajax block views to use
     * exposed filters and manually set the #action to the current request uri.
    public function elementPreRender(array $element) {
        /** @var \Drupal\views\ViewExecutable $view */
        $view = $element['#view'];
        // Exposed widgets typically only work with Ajax in core, but #2605218
        // breaks the rest of the functionality in this display and in the core
        // Block display as well. We allow non-Ajax block views to use exposed
        // filters by manually setting the #action to the current request URI.
        if (!empty($view->exposed_widgets['#action']) && !$view->ajaxEnabled()) {
            $view->exposed_widgets['#action'] = $this->request
        // Allow the parent pre-render function to set the #exposed array on the
        // element. This allows us to bypass hiding widgets if the array is emptied.
        $element = parent::elementPreRender($element);
        // Loop over the filters on the current View looking for exposed filters
        // whose values have been derived from block configuration.
        if (!empty($element['#exposed'])) {
            $allow_settings = array_filter($this->getOption('allow'));
            if (!empty($allow_settings['configure_filters'])) {
                foreach ($view->getDisplay()
                    ->getHandlers('filter') as $id => $handler) {
                    /** @var \Drupal\views\Plugin\views\Filter\FilterPluginBase $handler */
                    // If the current handler meets the conditions, hide its exposed
                    // widget.
                    if ($handler->canExpose() && $handler->isExposed()) {
                        $value_exposed = $handler->options['value_exposed_to_user'] ?? FALSE;
                        $operator_exposed = $handler->options['operator_exposed_to_user'] ?? FALSE;
                        if ($handler->isAGroup()) {
                            $identifier = $handler->options['group_info']['identifier'];
                            $operator_id = FALSE;
                        else {
                            $identifier = $handler->options['expose']['identifier'] ?? FALSE;
                            $operator_id = $handler->options['expose']['use_operator'] ? $handler->options['expose']['operator_id'] : FALSE;
                        // If a wrapper is being used, store its key for later use.
                        $wrapper = !empty($element['#exposed'][$identifier . '_wrapper']) ? $identifier . '_wrapper' : FALSE;
                        if ($wrapper) {
                            $element['#exposed'][$wrapper][$identifier]['#access'] = $value_exposed;
                            if ($operator_id) {
                                $element['#exposed'][$wrapper][$operator_id]['#access'] = $operator_exposed;
                            if (!$value_exposed && !$operator_exposed) {
                                $element['#exposed'][$wrapper]['#access'] = FALSE;
                        else {
                            $element['#exposed'][$identifier]['#access'] = $value_exposed;
                            if ($operator_id) {
                                $element['#exposed'][$operator_id]['#access'] = $operator_exposed;
                // If there are no accessible child elements in the #exposed array other
                // than the actions, reset it to an empty array.
                if (Element::getVisibleChildren($element['#exposed']) == [
                ]) {
                    $element['#exposed'] = [];
        return $element;
     * Sort field config array by weight.
     * @param int $a
     *   The field a.
     * @param int $b
     *   The field b.
     * @return int
     *   Return the more weight
    public static function sortFieldsByWeight($a, $b) {
        $a_weight = $a['weight'] ?? 0;
        $b_weight = $b['weight'] ?? 0;
        if ($a_weight == $b_weight) {
            return 0;
        return $a_weight < $b_weight ? -1 : 1;
     * Converts form input values to filter handler values.
    protected function mapConfigToHandler(HandlerBase $handler, $input_value) {
        // Convert to the form expected by $handler methods.
        if ($handler->isAGroup()) {
            $identifier = $handler->options['group_info']['identifier'];
            $is_multiple = $handler->multipleExposedInput();
            $value_key = $is_multiple ? 'default_group_multiple' : 'default_group';
            $v = $input_value['group_info'][$value_key] ?? NULL;
            $value = [
                $identifier => $v,
            $handler->group_info = $value[$identifier];
            $handler->options['group_info'][$value_key] = $handler->group_info;
        else {
            $identifier = $handler->options['expose']['identifier'];
            $use_operator = !empty($handler->options['expose']['use_operator']);
            // The value passed to the handler may need defaults that are not
            // passed with the input values, so we have to attempt to merge the
            // expected values on the plugin before overwriting them.
            if (isset($input_value['value']) && is_array($input_value['value']) && is_array($handler->options['value'])) {
                $value = [
                    $identifier => $input_value['value'] + $handler->options['value'],
            elseif (isset($input_value['value']) && is_string($input_value['value']) && is_array($handler->options['value'])) {
                $value = [
                    $identifier => [
                        'value' => $input_value['value'],
                    ] + $handler->options['value'],
            else {
                $value = [
                    $identifier => $input_value['value'] ?? NULL,
            if ($use_operator) {
                $operator_id = $handler->options['expose']['operator_id'];
                $value[$operator_id] = $input_value['operator'];
            $handler->value = $value[$identifier];
            $handler->options['value'] = $handler->value;
            if ($use_operator) {
                $handler->operator = $value[$operator_id];
                $handler->options['operator'] = $handler->operator;
     * Extract values/operators from a given exposed form/values array element.
    protected function extractExposedValues($handler, $form_element, $values_element) {
        $configuration = [];
        $identifier = $handler->options['expose']['identifier'];
        // If this is an entity_autocomplete field, we need to pull out
        // the target_id for each value in order to match our schema.
        $element_type = $form_element[$identifier]['#type'] ?? FALSE;
        if ($element_type == 'entity_autocomplete') {
            $configuration['type'] = $element_type;
            $configuration['value'] = [];
            if (isset($values_element[$identifier]) && is_array($values_element[$identifier])) {
                $configuration['value'] = array_map(function ($item) {
                    return $item['target_id'];
                }, $values_element[$identifier]);
        elseif ($handler->isAGroup()) {
            $is_multiple = $handler->multipleExposedInput();
            $value_key = $is_multiple ? 'default_group_multiple' : 'default_group';
            if ($is_multiple) {
                $configuration['group_info'][$value_key] = array_filter($values_element[$identifier]);
            else {
                $configuration['group_info'][$value_key] = $values_element[$identifier];
        elseif (isset($handler->options['type']) && $handler->options['type'] === 'select' || $handler->options['plugin_id'] == 'list_field') {
            if (!is_array($values_element[$identifier])) {
                $value = $values_element[$identifier];
                // Values of 'All' should save as an empty array, like in views.
                if (!$handler->options['expose']['required'] && $value == 'All') {
                    $configuration['value'] = [];
                else {
                    $configuration['value'] = [
                        $value => $value,
            else {
                $configuration['value'] = $values_element[$identifier];
        else {
            $configuration['value'] = $values_element[$identifier];
        // Save operator, if exposed and not grouped.
        if ($handler->options['expose']['use_operator'] && !$handler->isAGroup()) {
            $operator_id = $handler->options['expose']['operator_id'];
            $configuration['operator'] = $values_element[$operator_id];
        return $configuration;
     * Checks an exposed filter value array to see if it is non-empty and not All.
     * @todo rename this function and document it more; it doesn't test validity.
    protected function validValue($value) {
        $filter = $this->valueFilter($value);
        $not_all = $value != 'All';
        $not_empty_or_zero = !empty($value) || is_numeric($value) && (int) $value === 0;
        return $filter && $not_all && $not_empty_or_zero;
     * Filter a potential array of values to see if any are non-0 string lengths.
    protected function valueFilter($value) {
        if (is_array($value)) {
            foreach ($value as $element) {
                // If any element returns non-0, we know all we need to.
                if ($test = $this->valueFilter($element)) {
                    return $test;
        else {
            return strlen($value);



Title Deprecated Summary
Block Provides a Block display plugin.