function page_manager_new_task_handler

Create a new task handler object.


$plugin: The plugin this task handler is created from.

2 calls to page_manager_new_task_handler()
page_manager_handler_add_submit in page_manager/
Handler related forms.
page_manager_page_form_basic_submit in page_manager/plugins/tasks/
Store the values from the basic settings form.


page_manager/page_manager.module, line 775


function page_manager_new_task_handler($plugin) {
    // Generate a unique name. Unlike most named objects, we don't let people choose
    // names for task handlers because they mostly don't make sense.
    // Create a new, empty handler object.
    $handler = new stdClass();
    $handler->title = $plugin['title'];
    $handler->task = NULL;
    $handler->subtask = NULL;
    $handler->name = NULL;
    $handler->handler = $plugin['name'];
    $handler->weight = 0;
    $handler->conf = array();
    // These are provided by the core export API provided by ctools and we
    // set defaults here so that we don't cause notices. Perhaps ctools should
    // provide a way to do this for us so we don't have to muck with it.
    $handler->export_type = EXPORT_IN_DATABASE;
    $handler->type = t('Local');
    if (isset($plugin['default conf'])) {
        if (is_array($plugin['default conf'])) {
            $handler->conf = $plugin['default conf'];
        elseif (function_exists($plugin['default conf'])) {
            $handler->conf = $plugin['default conf']($handler);
    return $handler;