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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
TestController::testMethod | function | core/ |
Helper page to load jQuery in test. |
TestInterface::testMethod | function | core/ |
TestLocalTaskController::methodWithoutUpcastNode | function | core/ |
A method which does not hint the node parameter to avoid upcasting. |
TestServiceComplexMethod | class | core/ |
TestServiceComplexMethod | class | core/ |
TestServiceComplexMethod::complexMethod | function | core/ |
TestServiceComplexMethod::complexMethod | function | core/ |
TestServiceMethodReturnsVoid | class | core/ |
TestServiceMethodReturnsVoid::methodReturnsVoid | function | core/ |
TestServiceMethodWithParameter | class | core/ |
TestServiceMethodWithParameter::methodWithParameter | function | core/ |
TestServiceNoMethod | class | core/ |
TestServiceNoMethod | class | core/ |
TestServiceSimpleMethod | class | core/ |
TestServiceSimpleMethod::method | function | core/ |
TestServiceWithInterface::testMethod | function | core/ |
TestServiceWithProtectedMethods | class | core/ |
TestServiceWithProtectedMethods::privateMethod | function | core/ |
TestServiceWithProtectedMethods::protectedMethod | function | core/ |
TestServiceWithProtectedMethods::testMethod | function | core/ |
TestServiceWithPublicStaticMethod | class | core/ |
TestServiceWithPublicStaticMethod::testMethod | function | core/ |
TestStaticMethodClass | class | core/ |
TestStaticMethodClass::access | function | core/ |
TrustedMethods | class | core/ |
TrustedMethods::attributeCallback | function | core/ |
TrustedMethods::callback | function | core/ |
TrustedMethods::trustedCallbacks | function | core/ |
Lists the trusted callbacks provided by the implementing class. |
TrustedMethods::unTrustedCallback | function | core/ |
TwigSandboxPolicy::$allowed_methods | property | core/ |
TwigSandboxPolicy::checkMethodAllowed | function | core/ |
TwigSandboxPolicy::getMethodsAllowedOnAllObjects | function | core/ |
Gets the list of allowed methods on all objects. |
TwigSandboxTest::getTwigEntityDangerousMethods | function | core/ |
Data provider for ::testEntityDangerousMethods. |
TwigSandboxTest::testEntityDangerousMethods | function | core/ |
Tests that dangerous methods cannot be called in entity objects. |
TwigSandboxTest::testEntitySafeMethods | function | core/ |
Tests that valid methods can be called from within Twig templates. |
TwigSandboxTest::testUrlSafeMethods | function | core/ |
Tests that safe methods inside Url objects can be called. |
TypedDataNormalizer::hasCacheableSupportsMethod | function | core/ |
UrlGeneratorTest::testDeprecatedMethods | function | core/ |
Tests deprecated methods. |
UserCancelForm::$cancelMethods | property | core/ |
Available account cancellation methods. |
UserEntityTest::testChainExistingPasswordMethod | function | core/ |
Tests that ::existingPassword can be used for chaining. |
UserEntityTest::testUserMethods | function | core/ |
Tests some of the methods. |
user_cancel_methods | function | core/ |
Helper function to return available account cancellation methods. |
UsingNonInstalledTraitClass::testMethod | function | core/ |
ViewExecutableTest::testInitMethods | function | core/ |
Tests the initDisplay() and initHandlers() methods. |
ViewExecutableTest::testPropertyMethods | function | core/ |
Tests the setting/getting of properties. |
ViewStorageTest::displayMethodTests | function | core/ |
Tests the display related functions like getDisplaysList(). |
WorkspacesContentModerationStateTest::SKIP_METHODS | constant | core/ |
WriteSafeSessionHandlerTest::providerTestOtherMethods | function | core/ |
Provides test data for the other methods test. |
WriteSafeSessionHandlerTest::testOtherMethods | function | core/ |
Tests that other invocations are passed unmodified to the wrapped handler. |
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