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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
ChainRequestPolicyTest::providerChainExceptionOnInvalidReturnValue | function | core/ |
Provides test data for testChainExceptionOnInvalidReturnValue. |
ChainRequestPolicyTest::testChainExceptionOnInvalidReturnValue | function | core/ |
Asserts that check() throws an exception if a rule returns an invalid value. |
ChainResponsePolicyTest::providerChainExceptionOnInvalidReturnValue | function | core/ |
Provides test data for testChainExceptionOnInvalidReturnValue. |
ChainResponsePolicyTest::testChainExceptionOnInvalidReturnValue | function | core/ |
Asserts that check() throws an exception if a rule returns an invalid value. |
CKEditor4To5UpgradePluginManager::validateAndBuildMaps | function | core/ |
Validates plugin definitions: avoids conflicts. Builds maps for later use. |
CKEditor5::validateConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
CKEditor5::validatePair | function | core/ |
Validates a Text Editor + Text Format pair. |
CKEditor5::validateSwitchingToCKEditor5 | function | core/ |
Validate callback to inform the user of CKEditor 5 compatibility problems. |
CKEditor5AllowedTagsTest::testEnablingToVersion5Validation | function | core/ |
Test enabling CKEditor 5 in a way that triggers validation. |
CKEditor5CacheTag::$cacheTagsInvalidator | property | core/ |
The cache tags invalidator. |
CKEditor5ElementConstraintValidator | class | core/ |
CKEditor 5 element validator. |
CKEditor5ElementConstraintValidator.php | file | core/ |
CKEditor5ElementConstraintValidator::validate | function | core/ |
CKEditor5ImageController::getImageUploadValidators | function | core/ |
Gets the image upload validators. |
CKEditor5MediaAndFilterSettingsInSyncConstraintValidator | class | core/ |
CKEditor 5 Media plugin in sync with the filter settings validator. |
CKEditor5MediaAndFilterSettingsInSyncConstraintValidator.php | file | core/ |
CKEditor5MediaAndFilterSettingsInSyncConstraintValidator::$filterPluginManager | property | core/ |
The filter plugin manager service. |
CKEditor5MediaAndFilterSettingsInSyncConstraintValidator::$typedConfigManager | property | core/ |
The typed config manager service. |
CKEditor5MediaAndFilterSettingsInSyncConstraintValidator::create | function | core/ |
CKEditor5MediaAndFilterSettingsInSyncConstraintValidator::validate | function | core/ |
CKEditor5MediaAndFilterSettingsInSyncConstraintValidator::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new CKEditor5MediaAndFilterSettingsInSyncConstraintValidator. |
CKEditor5PluginDefinition::validateCKEditor5Aspects | function | core/ |
Validates the CKEditor 5 aspects of the CKEditor 5 plugin definition. |
CKEditor5PluginDefinition::validateConfiguration | function | core/ |
Validates the given configuration array. |
CKEditor5PluginDefinition::validateDrupalAspects | function | core/ |
Validates the Drupal aspects of the CKEditor 5 plugin definition. |
CKEditor5PluginManagerTest::providerProvidedElementsInvalidElementSubset | function | core/ |
Data provider. |
CKEditor5PluginManagerTest::providerTestInvalidPluginDefinitions | function | core/ |
Data provider. |
CKEditor5PluginManagerTest::testInvalidPluginDefinitions | function | core/ |
@covers \Drupal\ckeditor5\Plugin\CKEditor5PluginManager::processDefinition @dataProvider providerTestInvalidPluginDefinitions |
CKEditor5PluginManagerTest::testProvidedElementsInvalidElementSubset | function | core/ |
Tests detection of invalid CKEditor5PluginElementsSubsetInterface classes. |
CKEditor5TestBase::assertNoRealtimeValidationErrors | function | core/ |
Checks that no real-time validation errors are present. |
CKEditor5ValidationTestTrait | trait | core/ |
Defines a trait for testing CKEditor 5 validity. |
CKEditor5ValidationTestTrait.php | file | core/ |
CKEditor5ValidationTestTrait::validatePairToViolationsArray | function | core/ |
Decorator for CKEditor5::validatePair() that returns an assertable array. |
CKEditor5ValidationTestTrait::violationsToArray | function | core/ |
Transforms a constraint violation list object to an assertable array. |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtClass | class | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetPropertyMethod("Some data"); |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtClass.php | file | core/ |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtClass::$foo | property | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetPropertyMethod("Bar"); |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtMethod | class | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetClass("Some data"); |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtMethod.php | file | core/ |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtMethod::functionName | function | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetClass("functionName"); |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtProperty | class | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetClass("Some data"); |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtProperty.php | file | core/ |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtProperty::$bar | property | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetAnnotation("Foo"); |
ClassWithInvalidAnnotationTargetAtProperty::$foo | property | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetClass("Bar"); |
ClassWithValidAnnotationTarget | class | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetClass("Some data"); |
ClassWithValidAnnotationTarget.php | file | core/ |
ClassWithValidAnnotationTarget::$foo | property | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetPropertyMethod("Some data"); |
ClassWithValidAnnotationTarget::$name | property | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetAll("Some data",name="Some name") |
ClassWithValidAnnotationTarget::$nested | property | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetAll(@AnnotationTargetAnnotation); |
ClassWithValidAnnotationTarget::someFunction | function | core/ |
Plugin annotation @AnnotationTargetPropertyMethod("Some data",name="Some name") |
CodeBlock::validateConfigurationForm | function | core/ |
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