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Title Object type File name Summary
DefaultSelection::reAlterQuery function core/lib/Drupal/Core/Entity/Plugin/EntityReferenceSelection/DefaultSelection.php Helper method: Passes a query to the alteration system again.
NodeGrantDatabaseStorage::alterQuery function core/modules/node/src/NodeGrantDatabaseStorage.php
NodeGrantDatabaseStorageInterface::alterQuery function core/modules/node/src/NodeGrantDatabaseStorageInterface.php Alters a query when node access is required.
ViewsOperations::alterQueryForEntityType function core/modules/workspaces/src/Hook/ViewsOperations.php Alters the entity type tables for a Views query.
ViewsQueryAlter::alterQuery function core/modules/workspaces/src/ViewsQueryAlter.php Implements a hook bridge for hook_views_query_alter().
ViewsQueryAlter::alterQueryForEntityType function core/modules/workspaces/src/ViewsQueryAlter.php Alters the entity type tables for a Views query.

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