Block::$plugin |
property |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
The plugin instance ID. |
Block::$pluginCollection |
property |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
The plugin collection that holds the block plugin for this entity. |
Block::$region |
property |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
The region this block is placed in. |
Block::$settings |
property |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
The plugin instance settings. |
Block::$theme |
property |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
The theme that includes the block plugin for this entity. |
Block::$userRoleTable |
property |
core/modules/block/src/Plugin/migrate/source/Block.php |
Table listing user roles. |
Block::$usesAttachments |
property |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Whether the display allows attachments. |
Block::$visibility |
property |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
The visibility settings for this block. |
Block::$visibilityCollection |
property |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
The visibility collection. |
Block::$weight |
property |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
The block weight. |
Block::blockForm |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Adds the configuration form elements specific to this views block plugin. |
Block::blockSettings |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Returns plugin-specific settings for the block. |
Block::blockSubmit |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Handles form submission for the views block configuration form. |
Block::blockValidate |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Handles form validation for the views block configuration form. |
Block::buildOptionsForm |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Provide the default form for setting options. |
Block::calculateDependencies |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Calculates dependencies and stores them in the dependency property. |
Block::conditionPluginManager |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Gets the condition plugin manager. |
Block::create |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Creates an instance of the plugin. |
Block::createDuplicateBlock |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Creates a duplicate of the block entity. |
Block::defineOptions |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Information about options for all kinds of purposes will be held here. |
Block::execute |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
The display block handler returns the structure necessary for a block. |
Block::fields |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Plugin/migrate/source/Block.php |
Returns available fields on the source. |
Block::getIds |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Plugin/migrate/source/Block.php |
Defines the source fields uniquely identifying a source row. |
Block::getPlugin |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Returns the plugin instance. |
Block::getPluginCollection |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Encapsulates the creation of the block's LazyPluginCollection. |
Block::getPluginCollections |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Block::getPluginId |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Returns the plugin ID. |
Block::getRegion |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Returns the region this block is placed in. |
Block::getTheme |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Returns the theme ID. |
Block::getVisibility |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Returns an array of visibility condition configurations. |
Block::getVisibilityCondition |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Gets a visibility condition plugin instance. |
Block::getVisibilityConditions |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Gets conditions for this block. |
Block::getWeight |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Returns the weight of this block (used for sorting). |
Block::initializeIterator |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Plugin/migrate/source/Block.php |
Initializes the iterator with the source data. |
Block::label |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Gets the label of the entity. |
Block::optionsSummary |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Provide the summary for page options in the views UI. |
Block::postSave |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Acts on a saved entity before the insert or update hook is invoked. |
Block::preBlockBuild |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Allows to change the display settings right before executing the block. |
Block::prepareRow |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Plugin/migrate/source/Block.php |
Adds additional data to the row. |
Block::preSave |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Acts on an entity before the presave hook is invoked. |
Block::query |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Plugin/migrate/source/Block.php |
Prepares query object to retrieve data from the source database. |
Block::remove |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Reacts on deleting a display. |
Block::setRegion |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Sets the region this block is placed in. |
Block::setVisibilityConfig |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Sets the visibility condition configuration. |
Block::setWeight |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Sets the block weight. |
Block::sort |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Sorts active blocks by weight; sorts inactive blocks by name. |
Block::submitOptionsForm |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Perform any necessary changes to the form values prior to storage. |
Block::usesExposedFormInBlock |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Checks to see if the display can put the exposed form in a block. |
Block::validateRegion |
function |
core/modules/block/src/Entity/Block.php |
Validates that a region exists in the active theme. |
Block::__construct |
function |
core/modules/views/src/Plugin/views/display/Block.php |
Constructs a new Block instance. |