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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
FormTestRadiosCheckedForm::submitForm | function | core/ |
Form submission handler. |
ForumManager::checkNodeType | function | core/ |
ForumManagerInterface::checkNodeType | function | core/ |
Checks whether a node can be used in a forum, based on its content type. |
FundamentalCompatibilityConstraintValidator::checkAllHtmlTagsAreCreatable | function | core/ |
Checks all HTML tags supported by enabled CKEditor 5 plugins are creatable. |
FundamentalCompatibilityConstraintValidator::checkHtmlRestrictionsAreCompatible | function | core/ |
Checks that fundamental CKEditor 5 plugins' HTML tags are allowed. |
FundamentalCompatibilityConstraintValidator::checkHtmlRestrictionsMatch | function | core/ |
Checks the HTML restrictions match the enabled CKEditor 5 plugins' output. |
FundamentalCompatibilityConstraintValidator::checkNoMarkupFilters | function | core/ |
Checks no TYPE_MARKUP_LANGUAGE filters are present. |
GDToolkit::checkAvifSupport | function | core/ |
Checks if AVIF can encode image. |
Git::checkIgnore | function | composer/ |
Determines whether the specified scaffold file is already ignored. |
Git::checkTracked | function | composer/ |
Determines whether the specified scaffold file is tracked by git. |
Heading::generateCheckboxForHeadingOption | function | core/ |
Generates checkbox for a CKEditor 5 heading plugin config option. |
HookCollectorPass::checkForProceduralOnlyHooks | function | core/ |
Checks for hooks which can't be supported in classes. |
IconExtractorWithFinder::checkRequiredConfigSources | function | core/ |
Check the required `config > sources` value from definition. |
IncludeResolver::$entityAccessChecker | property | core/ |
The JSON:API entity access checker. |
InstallTest::testModuleNameLengthWithoutDependencyCheck | function | core/ |
Tests that an exception is thrown when a module name is too long. |
install_check_localization_server | function | core/ |
Checks if the localization server can be contacted. |
install_check_requirements | function | core/ |
Checks installation requirements and reports any errors. |
install_check_translations | function | core/ |
Checks installation requirements and reports any errors. |
JavascriptStatesTest::doCheckboxesTriggerTests | function | core/ |
Tests states of elements triggered by a checkboxes element. |
JavascriptStatesTest::doCheckboxTriggerTests | function | core/ |
Tests states of elements triggered by a checkbox element. |
jsonapi.entity_access_checker | service | core/ |
Drupal\jsonapi\Access\EntityAccessChecker |
JsonSchemaTestTrait::doCheckSchemaAgainstMetaSchema | function | core/ |
Check a schema is valid against the meta-schema. |
JSWebAssert::checkNodeVisibilityInViewport | function | core/ |
Check the visibility of a node, or its specific corner. |
KernelMissingDependentModuleMethodTest::publicCheckRequirements | function | core/ |
Public access for checkRequirements() to avoid reflection. |
KernelMissingDependentModuleTest::publicCheckRequirements | function | core/ |
Public access for checkRequirements() to avoid reflection. |
KernelTestBase::$configSchemaCheckerExclusions | property | core/ |
An array of config object names that are excluded from schema checking. |
KillSwitch::check | function | core/ |
Determines whether it is save to store a page in the cache. |
LanguageAccessControlHandler::checkAccess | function | core/ |
Performs access checks. |
LanguageConfigurationTest::checkConfigurableLanguageWeight | function | core/ |
Validates system languages are ordered after configurable languages. |
LanguageNegotiationInfoTest::checkFixedLanguageTypes | function | core/ |
Check that language negotiation for fixed types matches the stored one. |
LanguageUILanguageNegotiationTest::$configSchemaCheckerExclusions | property | core/ |
An array of config object names that are excluded from schema checking. |
LanguageUrlRewritingTest::checkUrl | function | core/ |
Check URL rewriting for the given language. |
LatestRevisionCheck | class | core/ |
Access check for the entity moderation tab. |
LatestRevisionCheck.php | file | core/ |
LatestRevisionCheck::$moderationInfo | property | core/ |
The moderation information service. |
LatestRevisionCheck::access | function | core/ |
Checks that there is a pending revision available. |
LatestRevisionCheck::loadEntity | function | core/ |
Returns the default revision of the entity this route is for. |
LatestRevisionCheck::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs a new LatestRevisionCheck. |
LatestRevisionCheckTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\content_moderation\Access\LatestRevisionCheck @group content_moderation |
LatestRevisionCheckTest.php | file | core/ |
LatestRevisionCheckTest::accessSituationProvider | function | core/ |
Data provider for testLastAccessPermissions(). |
LatestRevisionCheckTest::setUp | function | core/ |
LatestRevisionCheckTest::testLatestAccessPermissions | function | core/ |
Tests the access check of the LatestRevisionCheck service. |
LayoutBuilderAccessCheck | class | core/ |
Provides an access check for the Layout Builder defaults. |
LayoutBuilderAccessCheck.php | file | core/ |
LayoutBuilderAccessCheck::access | function | core/ |
Checks routing access to the layout. |
LayoutBuilderOptInTest::testCheckboxLogic | function | core/ |
Tests the interaction between the two layout checkboxes. |
LinearHistory::$activeCheckpoint | property | core/ |
The active checkpoint. |
LinearHistory::$checkpoints | property | core/ |
The list of checkpoints, keyed by ID. |
LinearHistory::CHECKPOINT_KEY | constant | core/ |
The store of all the checkpoint names in state. |
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