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Title | Object type | File name | Summary |
NodeAccessControlHandler::checkViewAccess | function | core/ |
Performs view access checks. |
NodeAccessControlHandlerInterface::checkAllGrants | function | core/ |
Checks all grants for a given account. |
NodeAccessGrantsCacheContext::checkNodeGrants | function | core/ |
Checks the node grants for the given operation. |
NodeAccessLanguageFallbackTest::checkRecords | function | core/ |
Queries the node_access table and checks for proper storage. |
NodeEditFormTest::checkVariousAuthoredByValues | function | core/ |
Checks that the "authored by" works correctly with various values. |
NodeGrantDatabaseStorage::checkAll | function | core/ |
NodeGrantDatabaseStorageInterface::checkAll | function | core/ |
Checks all grants for a given account. |
NodePreviewAccessCheck | class | core/ |
Determines access to node previews. |
NodePreviewAccessCheck.php | file | core/ |
NodePreviewAccessCheck::$entityTypeManager | property | core/ |
The entity type manager service. |
NodePreviewAccessCheck::access | function | core/ |
Checks access to the node preview page. |
NodePreviewAccessCheck::__construct | function | core/ |
Constructs an EntityCreateAccessCheck object. |
NodeTypeAccessControlHandler::checkAccess | function | core/ |
Performs access checks. |
NormalizerBase::checkFormat | function | core/ |
Checks if the provided format is supported by this normalizer. |
NormalizerBase::checkFormat | function | core/ |
Checks if the provided format is supported by this normalizer. |
NoServerError::check | function | core/ |
Determines whether it is save to store a page in the cache. |
NoSessionOpen::check | function | core/ |
Determines whether delivery of a cached page should be attempted. |
olivero_preprocess_checkboxes | function | core/ |
Implements hook_preprocess_HOOK(). |
OptionsWidgetsTest::testCheckBoxes | function | core/ |
Tests the 'options_buttons' widget (multiple select). |
PackageManagerKernelTestBase::assertStatusCheckResults | function | core/ |
Asserts validation results are returned from the status check event. |
PasswordInterface::check | function | core/ |
Check whether a plain text password matches a hashed password. |
PasswordVerifyTest::testPasswordCheckSupported | function | core/ |
Tests that check() verifies passwords if hash settings are supported. |
PasswordVerifyTest::testPasswordCheckUnknownHash | function | core/ |
Tests that check() is forwarded to corePassword instance if hash settings are not recognized. |
PathValidator::getUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheck | function | core/ |
Returns a URL object, if the path is valid. |
PathValidatorInterface::getUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheck | function | core/ |
Returns a URL object, if the path is valid. |
PathValidatorTest::testGetUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheck | function | core/ |
PathValidatorTest::testGetUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheck | function | core/ |
Tests the getUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheck() method. |
PathValidatorTest::testGetUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheckWithInvalidPath | function | core/ |
Tests the getUrlIfValidWithoutAccessCheck() method with an invalid path. |
PerformanceData::$cacheTagChecksumCount | property | core/ |
The number of cache tag checksum checks. |
PerformanceData::getCacheTagChecksumCount | function | core/ |
Gets the cache tag checksum count. |
PerformanceData::setCacheTagChecksumCount | function | core/ |
Sets the cache tag checksum count. |
performance_test.cache_tags.invalidator.checksum | service | core/ |
Drupal\performance_test\Cache\CacheTagsChecksumDecorator |
PermissionAccessCheck | class | core/ |
Permission access check. |
PermissionAccessCheck.php | file | core/ |
PermissionAccessCheck::access | function | core/ |
Checks access. |
PermissionAccessCheckTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\user\Access\PermissionAccessCheck @group Routing @group Access |
PermissionAccessCheckTest.php | file | core/ |
PermissionAccessCheckTest::$accessCheck | property | core/ |
The tested access checker. |
PermissionAccessCheckTest::$container | property | core/ |
The dependency injection container. |
PermissionAccessCheckTest::providerTestAccess | function | core/ |
Provides data for the testAccess method. |
PermissionAccessCheckTest::setUp | function | core/ |
PermissionAccessCheckTest::testAccess | function | core/ |
Tests the access check method. |
PermissionChecker | class | core/ |
Checks permissions for an account. |
PermissionChecker.php | file | core/ |
PermissionChecker::hasPermission | function | core/ |
Checks whether an account has a permission. |
PermissionChecker::__construct | function | core/ |
PermissionCheckerInterface | interface | core/ |
Defines a permission checker interface. |
PermissionCheckerInterface.php | file | core/ |
PermissionCheckerInterface::hasPermission | function | core/ |
Checks whether an account has a permission. |
PermissionCheckerTest | class | core/ |
@coversDefaultClass \Drupal\Core\Session\PermissionChecker @group Session |
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